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Incorrect departure time for Golden Gate Ferry

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Oct 5, 2009, 7:48:45 PM10/5/09
to Google Transit Trip Planner

Aaron Antrim

Oct 6, 2009, 12:26:41 PM10/6/09
to Google Transit Trip Planner

Google Transit shows a departure time of 7:40 AM. It looks as if the
ferry departure time on Google Transit and the GGT timetable match.

Note that Google Transit is showing an overnight layover of 10 hours
51 mins before catching Caltrain. So Caltrain, and subsequent legs of
the trip are in the AM.

Thanks for using and reporting on experiences with Google Transit for
SF Bay Ferries.


On Oct 5, 4:48 pm, Peter <> wrote:
> Google Transit says there is a ferry leaving on weekdays at 7:40 pm.
> The Golden Gate Transit (ferry) website says that departure time
> should be 7:55 pm. I'm not sure which is correct.


Oct 6, 2009, 1:23:00 PM10/6/09
to Google Transit Trip Planner
thanks Aaron -- you got it. shoot. it's such a long journey, and so
many options, i just lost sight of that long transfer time. I wonder
if there's something the UI could do to alert the user to a 'very
long' transfer time. maybe highlighting any transfer time that takes
more than an hour? might work until Google Transit introduces airline
flights -- if that ever happens here.

anyhoo, thanks!

Aaron Antrim

Oct 6, 2009, 5:09:10 PM10/6/09
to Google Transit Trip Planner
Good discussion, anyway.

The airlines deal with this issue all the time with itineraries.
Seemed like a decent blog post topic, so I looked at how and
United handle multi-day itineraries and offered some of my own ideas
on how something similar could work in the Google Transit UI:

Devin Braun

Oct 7, 2009, 7:19:59 PM10/7/09
to Google Transit Trip Planner
We had a similar issue come up previously where somebody was trying to
plan a trip on a Friday where holiday service was offered and the
returned trips were for Monday, the next available service day.
Everybody was confused because the date wasn't prominent enough so we
all just assumed the trips were for Friday and were wrong:

I also like how travel sites really point out that the flight is
overnight and arrives the next day, or that there's a short or long
connection or a prop plane.

Devin Braun
San Diego MTS

On Oct 6, 2:09 pm, Aaron Antrim <> wrote:
> Good discussion, anyway.
> The airlines deal with this issue all the time with itineraries.
> Seemed like a decent blog post topic, so I looked at how and
> United handle multi-day itineraries and offered some of my own ideas
> on how something similar could work in the Google Transit UI:
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