Google C++ Testing Framework, C# and Death testing...

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Tarmo Pikaro

Apr 3, 2019, 4:57:15 PM4/3/19
to Google C++ Testing Framework
Hi !

I'm quite newbie to Google C++ Testing framework, since previously constructed only unit test on C#.

But now also concluded to use Google C++ Testing framework for testing C# as well. 

Recorded initial video about this, 

Application Driven Unit Testing

Just in case if anyone is interested how does C# overlaps with google testing framework.

I've managed to create my own fork of Google test adapter, and now looking bit deeper into how I could use Google unit testing
for user interface testing, also my ideas partially overlap as I want to make C++ scriptable and need to create host process
of devenv.exe and also potentially to communicate with it.

Initial skeleton for C++ project building can be found here:

C++ Runtime Type Reflection

Now... what I wanted to ask. Apparently in google test framework exists death tests, current code implementation here:
description / documentation here:

Currently what I have prototyped - it's possible to create user interface application as console application, and then it would be also
possible to run google unit test on it, but main problem is that console application does creates it's own console window.
It's possible to hide that window during startup, but then on windows console would "flash" for 0.1 second, which is also not 
so professional.

I would like to discover bit deeper alternative of enabling pipe based communication channel right away from application start
so console window would not be required at all - so if user interface starts - it would enable communication pipes, and "printing"
would proceed in those pipes.

I suspect also besides getting text from child application it would be useful to send text back to child, for example to indicate what kind
of tests to start or other potential messages.

I guess my target is to have same system working on C++ and on C# level eventually.

Also I was thinking bit deeper about enabling either all or partially some death testing for C# applications as well + plus
I would like to readapt same system for starting and controlling execution of devenv.exe.

Now - is there any expert present here on death tests, who could tell me if everything I'm telling here does makes sense
and what would be best steps to tackle each requirement one by one.

If here exists also some enthusiast, who could like to help, please let me know.
Or if you know good api for doing similar thing, also inform me.

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