Kavivanar Tamil + Latin

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Tharique Azeez

Oct 14, 2015, 3:21:03 PM10/14/15
to Google Fonts Discussions
Hi all,

I've started working on Kavivanar - a new handwriting font supports Tamil and Latin. The font is little thick and subtly slanted that mimic the Tamil inclined handwriting. The letterforms consist of calligraphic pen stress to keep the liveliness while providing a nice texture for the body text. 

I'll be sharing the files and the test pages on Kavivanar's Github repo. I am creating this new thread to log every day updates and also to get valuable feedback from you all. Here is the initial preview of it. Thank you.

Last couple of weeks //

- Drawn all the basic Tamil glyphs
- Drawn Tamil composite glyphs
- Drawn Tamil matras 

Today //

- Drawn Tamil numerals

Tomorrow //

- Draw Tamil symbols
- Refine and simplify the tails of Ta, Na and Ha


Tharique Azeez

Docendo discimus

Tharique Azeez

Oct 15, 2015, 6:45:06 PM10/15/15
to googlefon...@googlegroups.com
Today //

- Drawn Tamil symbols and signs
- Refined and simplified the tails of Ta, Na, and Ha
- Drawn Tamil Om

Tomorrow //

- Refine couple of Tamil composite glyphs like Shri, NU, and CUu
- Start with canoe for Latin


Tharique Azeez

Docendo discimus
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Tharique Azeez

Oct 16, 2015, 6:42:29 PM10/16/15
to googlefon...@googlegroups.com
Today //

- Refined Shri, NU, CUu
- Started to draw Latin lowercase - Drawn canoe

Tomorrow //

- Draw more Latin lowercase glyphs 
- More refinements


Tharique Azeez

Docendo discimus
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