Issue with understanding the data of google clusterdata 2011-2

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Panna Aryan

Jun 25, 2024, 12:43:31 PM (4 days ago) Jun 25
to Google cluster data - discussions
This might sound dumb and am sorry in advance to ask such beginner level question at first.
So, I have downloaded the clusterdata 2011-2. But I can't figure out the data inside it. Like the schema.csv is saying something, but on the job events or any other events csv files, I can't figure out what row is demonstrating what. 

So, help me to understand the dataset, so that I can work further with my research work. 

Thanks and sorry everyone.

I am attaching some ss for better understanding of my issue.

1. The job event csv file
2. The schema.csv

Screenshot from 2024-06-25 22-25-13.pngScreenshot from 2024-06-25 22-30-46.png

Junhong Liu

5:04 AM (12 hours ago) 5:04 AM
to Google cluster data - discussions

Did you figure out how to handle this dataset?  Would you mind sharing some experiences?

Many thanks!
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