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Jun 24, 2007, 3:57:38 AM6/24/07
Living in the Hell my own people allowed the Illuminati to
build for me.
Courage is a strange thing, sometimes people say you don't have it
when you do .
Other times absolute fear enables one to change reality by
manipulating the matter
around them. In my experience, when this happens one has no fear nor,
control over the matter manipulation they administer. I have learned
in recent years
that matter and energy are one in the same, but that's a hole other
subject I will not
discus at this point. Heaven forbid the allowed for general public
science world wake
up, It is as if you become one with God or the collective conscious
of this reality and
are able to effect it's change. People often refer to one in this
state as being a Witch
or Psychic, when one sees future possibilities, or past that was
before their time.
I Lawrence Lapadat, have had many of these experiences, and would like
share one very important one with you at this point.

I believe I was about 11,or 12 years old, and I was
walking home from
school one day when I was confronted by a kid named Johnny Bench. He
in front of me and asked me if I wanted to fight. I not wanting to
show fear, even
though I was afraid agreed. He was about my height but way stockier,
and quite
a bit heavier. I had never really boxed before and my experience with
fighting had
usually been wrestling, at which I was quite good. My approach to
the task at hand
was to reach out to get Johnny in a headlock, this had usually been my
best result in
past wrestling matches. To my surprise , Johnnies response was a good
hard punch to
my nose. In shock of what I thought at the time was a cruel unfair way
of fighting I got
upset and went crying home looking for sympathy. My fathers response
was even more
shocking to me, when he turned on me with anger and stated, well put
up your dukes
and fight.

The next time I saw Johnny I was angry with him and
let him, know by ignoring
him, but he persisted, so I let him know I was not happy about him
punching me. He
apologized , and explained he had only done it because he wanted to be
friends. He asked
me to play with him, so we went over to his house and played. At one
point he asked me
why I did not like fighting. I explained that I did not mind
wrestling,but did not like punching,
so he asked me to wrestle with him. He still got the best of me in
wrestling, and he was
holding me down and not letting me go when I gave up. I can't recall
weather he tried to
kiss me or what he did but, I do know something sexual was going on.
His mother I believe
had been watching us, and ran out scolding Johnny. He let me up, and I
yelled out in anger,
I never want to play with you again, and I don't want to be your
friend. Johnny at this point
spurted out in a hurt voice, but I love you, you have to be my
friend. Johnnies father had
come out the side door at this point, and hollered out get in here
right now.

My next meeting was with Johnnies father, he stopped me one day
explaining he was an
ex military drill Sargent or something, and that Johnny had killed
himself because I
would not be friends with him. This made me extremely angry, and I
started yelling at
him, well it's your fault, you taught him be a fighter. You probably
beat him up too.
Then he got mad at me too , I don't recall who threatened to kill who
first. But I do recall
Johnnies dad admitting to beating Johnny, and crying before he ran
off. When I looked
up a huge creature was standing behind where Johnnies dad had been.
You have found
your lizard DNA, it stated. I backed off in terror. I do not recall
shape shifting in my
encounter with Mr Bench although I may have. This entity I would now
describe as an
inter- dimensional Lizards. As a 11, or 12 year old boy I assumed this
must be the
Devil I was talking to. They had not approached me with anger but they
exuded much power.
I recall Mr Romeo had come out to check on my tiff with Mr Bench and
had broken the
Illuminati mind control lock on me. I remember backing Mr Romeo off
with the statement
watch out he will kill you. In some form the Lizards had communicated
frustration with
the interference Dave Romeo had posed on it's communications with me.
We had communicated
what had happened with Johnny Bench, He asked me about girls , and
had told me we are
going to breed you. He told me I would have a very hard life, and that
my adversary would
be very strong and power full and a Mayor. He then told me that I
would be very strong too.
He warned if I did not back off my fight against chem trails they
would have to kill me.
I was backed right back up onto the street by now as I had chased Mr
Bench down the trail
into the woods. The Lizard then slipped as if talking to a second
Lizard beside us.
he stated oh no we won't be able to kill him he will be some kind of
folk hero, we are just
going to have to find another way to kill people.

From what I understand today the Illuminati have
dominated us for thousands of
years. They have done this by several methods. Control of the money
supply, forming groups
of allegiance, turning man against man, mind control over the weak,
drugging us both medically
and the illegal trade. Their biggest fear is being out numbered, when
and if the Vail drops we
will kill them off. What do I mean by Vail dropping. All matter
resonates at a certain hertz
with in it's domain, and all in harmony. Right now the Lizards have
the ability to make
themselves seen or not seen by slight phase shifts. As with all things
certain cycles bring
change our solar system is moving towards a denser part of the Galaxy,
this could cause
the sun to speed up the hertz at which matter resonates allowing us to
see the Lizards as
they are. Or perhaps the Sun is just at a point in it's cycle where it
will speed up. My
self personally I would rather walk down the street and see a 12 foot
Lizard then be poisoned
off with chem trails or war or mercury lased vaccines, fluoride
poisoned water systems or
killed by NSA, CIA, FBI, M17, SS terror scams to sell war. Peace is
only possible when
we understand and communicate those understandings in a rational way.
Covering truth is
our biggest enemy. Yet we live in a society that is, turned to
acceptance of the lie.

Adolf Hitler, the brain child of The New World Order,
was controlled by these
same Lizards that, have ran from me. Are their any People left out
there that will stand
beside me, or will you all just keep persecuting me to cover your own
crimes against me,
and God. We could all just keep sleeping as the new gas chambers from
the skies rain down
on us. Send more hit men cops and Military cowards to kill the
messengers. Keep watching
the hard sell of their agendas on TV, or get our asses off the couch.
and do something. Call a
friend , call your political Representatives, and complain. It's
never going to change if we
don't participate. Educate yourself ,get on the Internet, search
Google video for these Authors.
Jordan Maxwell , Eustace Mullins, Alex Jones , Michael Tsarion, David
Icke, Stan Monteith.
These topics, New World Order, 911 , chem trails, codex. Devils may
pay well at times, but
we can win. Not all victories are on the fields of battle , most
begin in the heart, and mind
of man. We are a great species join me, in our continued struggle to
remain so. Show
the courage God gave you, and stand to truth, where God is.

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