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Law is it just for THE WEALTHY

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Nov 19, 2006, 6:19:36 AM11/19/06
as per events at Oak&Carriage Pub The Written and
prepared by Lawrence Lapadat

Part ! At approximately 11;15 pm on June 15 Th at Oak&Carriage Pub
The , 3287 Cowichan
Lake rd Duncan British Columbia Canada I approached Ricky Dey of Rick
roofing, phone #250-748-9758 , to inform him I was no longer interested
in his friend Michelle, a waitress at the CVI
bar(BEST WESTREN COWICHAN INN) ,6424 Trans-Canada Highway Duncan
British Columbia Canada. Ricky smiled and responded, well why don't you
go tell her your self. I answered, because I can't the CVI barred me
just for talking to her. He replied with slight anger
in his tone. why are you telling me this. I know you are friends with
her, I answered ,as I was starting to turn and walk away. He jumped up
and attacked me, he start by aggressively push at my arms , and pushing
me back. I think this is when the Oak bomb I was carrying smashed into
my nose. As we were moving backwards I was falling backwards over a
chair ,and in desperation I grabbed him by the throat. The next thing
I recall I was on top of him under a table
holding him by the throat asking him if he wanted to die. This was just
an automatic response on my part not a threat,as I have been attacked
over 500 times by connected members and others
threatening to kill me. at this point people started grabbing me from
behind, assuming they were attacking me too I fought away from them,and
asked them if they wanted to die as a defense mechanism. A tall gray
haired, I have been informed a member of the Hell's Angel's was
dragging me across the room. as we passed the entrance to The adjoining
out side room, i believe this is where Terry McDonald jumped in to
help. To back off the tall gray haired man who was pulling me still ,I
asked him if he wanted to die. He responded I am just5 trying to break
up the fight. the big North Cowichan employee I had talked to earlier
had also been involved against me. Steve then approached me stating
Lawrence your bleeding. He then escorted me to the washroom to clean up
my bleeding. After we exited the washroom Bob the bartender escorted me
to the door stating I had to leave . Doug Rosten who I had been to a
private gathering with earlier, where I had consumed two ciders in a 3
to 4 hour period. When we had arrived he had
talked me into having a shot or 2 from a almost empty small tequila
bottle he had with him,
stating Lawrence we can walk home and leave your truck here, perhaps 1
1/2 to 2 ounces there.
Also a whiskey shot Terry McDonald had given me when I first enter the
Oak, that was all the alcohol I had consumed that day. Doug stated the
Oak waitress Tanya had told me you have been in a fight. It's alright
Doug I stated let's go. Doug then seeing the blood on my face freaked
out wanting to get at who ever attacked me.I tried to stop him but it
was like stopping a bear.
Doug grabbed for the Oak door but Bob was behind trying to hold it
shut. This anger Doug more
he reefed on the door tearing the handle off the door as he pushed his
way in he attacked Bob so I jumped in between then telling Doug it
wasn't him , to stop anymore violence. I went over to the bar with Bob
to talk to him, he stated he had called the RCMP I then went over to
the table
where Ricky Dey ,the gray haired man and the big North Cowichan worker
were sitting still drinking. Doug still angry was challenging all
three of them outside to to calm him down I stated I will take
the hole bar, this worked. As we exited the Oak we were meet by
Constable Birchette and Constable Ross of the RCMP. They tried to
arrest me and take me down to spend the night in jail. Obviously
Oak&Carriage Pub The had singled me out,as the problem. I don't blame
the two Constables for their actions as obviously law maker's have
given connected bars the rights to play judge and jury in
disputes. After arguing with the two Constables for about 10
minuets,and Doug having taken them aside to chat in private.

we were told I had to take a cab home. They stayed with us waiting and
after 20 to 25 minuets
Ricky Dey and his two friends came staggering out and drove home
obviously drunk in front
of the two Constables. I have a file # to this RCMP call out
2006- 9023 for this incident.

Explanations of changes from
original filings

firstly when I filed my claim the Court house clerk miss
directed me on who to file it to
and the told me I could deliver it to oak&Carriage Pub The. I believe
it was deliberate as she
Drug raped me there.
secondly i will provide a report by the American Psychiatric
Society on the effects of
male victims of female Rape, That show the mistrust effects that result
and others that explain
my confusion after the assault, as well as stats on GMB the rape drug
that was used on me along
with others.
when I went in to get on information on the breath test
performed on me by constable Ross
I was given the file # for The call out the previous night by constable
Birchett and Constable
Ross in ,Birchett's name, hence the confusion over name's. in my
Thirdly as I through the terrible experience of being Drug
raped all my adult life with
GMB and other drugs. the effects are short term memory loss along with
the fact that I have been
attacked over 500 times by connected members and others threatening to
kill me. this tends to
create a shock effect memory loss.
Fortunately I find as I am able to avoid the drugging set ups
by living the life of a monk
my memories are returning in excellent shape as per accuracy and
content. a hole society has
profited from porn videos made at my and other unwilling participants
Further Possible Claims of assault
i have had one other assault at Oak&Carriage Pub The by Saleem
Khan, he attacked me from
behind for no reason and gave me two shots to the back of the head my
chin hit the pool table and he lay ed the boots to me when I hit the
floor. I suffered bruised or cracked ribs as a result.
he ripped my 90$ dress pants trying to drag me out from under the
pool table where I had ended up after wards. I called Inspector
Robinson to report this incident. As with the Ricky Dey incident I
declined filing assault charges at the time. out of trust issues. later
i found he was a
connected cocaine dealer and pimp.

An other assault occurred by a former Employee at the time he
worked for Oak&Carriage Pub The after I was set up by a fake party
invite by two of his friends who
sent me up a dark staircase at his home where he deliberately attacked
me with two punches to the ribs I turned around and ran back down the
stairs, and walked home. i suffered cracked or bruised ribs from this
incident also. i told this to another constable, who had investigated
drug raping for porn videos of me at the Brigantine Pub in maple bay,
where there were many.

Before i was hypnotically and drug memory washed at the Cowichan
District Hospital I
recall several drug rapes of me for the making of Porn Videos that
happened at Oak&Carriage
Pub The. I am willing to trade off all claims against YEWMAC
ENTERPRISES LTD. for a quick easy settlement in full,or I can continue
filing. Go to Google Groups abused men and read what I have recalled
when need be from 32 years ago in spite of all the drugging and memory
Wash's I have been through.

Part 2 The use of non alcohol in mixed drinks After leaving
Oak&Carriage Pub The on
June 16Th at approximately 9;30 pm after turning right off Somenos Rd
on to Auchinachie rd
I was pulled over by Constable Ross of the RCMP for failing to
signal.after asking me asking me for my license and insurance papers
he asked where I was coming from. I told him the
Oak& Carriage. He then inquired about my alcohol consumption. I
responded I had one Oak
bomb with my dinner there. he then asked me to step out of the car
and asked me to take a
road side breath test, possibly assuming I had drank more than I had
told him. i performed the
test and blow as per requested as hard as I could knowing fully that
one drink would not put
me over .08 . he then showed me the reading was 0 and announced they
must be selling you Oak bombs with no alcohol there.He then wrought at
ticket for signal light repair and announced
as he handed back my papers. well teenagers drinking in Chemainus I
have to go I then responded sarcastically, oh teenagers drinking my
what problems our society has, meanwhile
drug dealers are killing people with crack cocaine and crystal meth and
you are doing nothing about it.

Directory of terms in the above and below mentioned
where ever I use the term Oak or Oak&Carriage refer to the above
mentioned Oak&Carriage
Pub The at 3287 Cowichan Lake rd of YEWMACH ENTERPRISES LTD. except
where followed by bomb where it is their drink. That their at the time
waitress Julie gave me a slip
of paper with an ingredient list stating it had one ounce of Irish
Cream and 1/2 ounce of liquorish liquor as well as coffee.
Where ever I use the term connected in above ,or below said
documents it refers to groups involved in organized crime such as ;
Hell's angel's , Indo Canadian Mafia ,Italian Mafia ect.

As far as witnesses i plan on subpoenaing members of the RCMP who
have witnessed
either by direct involvement or seen evidence of cover ups. at later
dates or have files on
said assaults or cover ups. Dew to the connections involved in this
case i wish to subpoena
witnesses only if required by name for trial with out sharing to
protect them and also to show there is no story collaboration on my
part. i there by agree to the defendants council not
sharing their witness lists, and am confident that cross examination
with out council interviews
will serve more justice in this case. i also purpose in ...

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More options Nov 18, 12:18 pm
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 20:18:30 -0000
Local: Sat, Nov 18 2006 12:18 pm
Subject: Re: My hearing Yesterday at 3;30 pm Pacific standard time
court house Duncaqn B C Canada
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I was very disappointed in the Judges continual cutting me off
with out allowing me to even enter my
evidence he kept trying to stop me and direct me to sell my claim was
with Ricky Dey. I recall my first
time at Oak&Carriage Pub The, (their legal name) I was invited, and
told there was a party there that
night. When I arrived at the time I was asked, there was no one there,
so I went to leave and a waitress
approached me telling me I was the guest of honour. I stated, there is
no one here.She, responded I know
that's been our problem that is why we invited you, don't worry people
will be arriving shortly. Here I will
bring you a free beer, come sit up here she said and directed me up to
the upper level. I recall as people
filed in hearing comments such as, Does he know ? Then others hushing
them. Obviously my beer was laced with GMB ,penis enlargement drugs
and possibly others. They turned the rape of me into a circus
act to launch their failing business. To say they have no liabilities
in it, is ridiculous, regardless of the fact
they were conned by Coleman or his Hell's Angel's operatives by
illegally signed contracts, they profited
at my expense, I was letting them off very easy with my suit, and am
inviting any large International law firms that can handle my cases in
the event I am not reimbursed after the next two week period the
Judge gave to study my information. I had included my file on male rape
drugs and the effects posted on
studies showing the physiological effects of male rape.

On Nov 18, 11:06 am, wrote:

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