GWT Designer

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Sachin Bal

Oct 27, 2023, 4:19:36 PM10/27/23
to GWT Users
Hi All,

We had created an application in 2014-2015. We had used GWT to design the UI of our application.  Unfortunately, we have folded that project in 2017 . I wanted to showcase our project to a prospective customer and was keen to know whether there is some way to migrate the project to the latest version of GWT? 

If that is not possible, I would like to display the screens which we had designed using GWT Designer so that I can at the least create a story around it.

Looking forward to some positive response

Please advise. 


Colin Alworth

Oct 27, 2023, 5:43:56 PM10/27/23
to GWT Users
If memory serves, the GWT Designer tool was never part of GWT itself, but was a component that could be installed in Eclipse, allowing for WYSIWYG UI design (in part by running something like dev mode while you were editing?). Changes that the author of the project made were reflected in standard source files (.java and .ui.xml) that GWT itself was able to compile - as such, a newer compiler version can likely still compile (with small or minimal changes to source) such an old project. I would suggest small steps in upgrading, to keep such changes (if any) manageable.

If you're hoping to run GWT Designer itself, you probably need a very old version of eclipse - my memory here is that it wasn't used enough to be worth maintaining. The code still lives at, but I can't guess what it would take to bring it back to life. I have a memory of this being based on WindowBuilder, and some internal changes in WindowBuilder requiring substantial changes to the gwt-designer project, which never was done.

Sachin Bal

Oct 29, 2023, 9:30:22 AM10/29/23
to GWT Users
Thanks. I will check the old version of eclipse. I believe it was Eclipse Kepler which we had used earlier. 


Sachin Bal

Oct 30, 2023, 5:19:53 AM10/30/23
to GWT Users

I installed Eclipse Kepler and when I open any ui.xml file, I can see two tabs, source and design. In the source, I can see the code but in the design I am not able to see the generated screen. I have a feeling that I have missed something but I cannot remember exactly. Can you please advise? Attached below is the source and design screens. It would be great, if you could guide me. Thanks


Oct 30, 2023, 9:40:14 AM10/30/23

If i remember correctly if you already installed the Designer plugin you need to open the java file that is linked with that xml file using the Designer editor not the default one.

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Sachin Bal

Oct 30, 2023, 11:52:41 AM10/30/23
to GWT Users
Earlier, I remember when I clicked the source tab, it showed the source code which it is showing. And when I used to click the design tab, I could see a screen which I could modify. This is explained on ( at 3:00 min on the video.

I feel that I am missing something and it has been many years since I have used GWT Designer, and therefore cannot remember

Do you remember anything which could help me? Thanks

Sachin Bal

Nov 5, 2023, 11:10:16 AM11/5/23
to GWT Users
Wanted to inform that I could deploy the war file and I can now access the application on localhost and could get all the screens required. Thanks for all the help.



Nov 6, 2023, 8:26:02 AM11/6/23
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