# created by Brandon Donnelson
# Help with the download and setup of GWT source
# http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/makinggwtbetter.html
# http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/eclipse/README.txt
echo "starting GWT source download and setup..."
# install svn?
hash svn 2>&- || { echo >&2 "Oops, but you need svn. Install svn. Aborting setup, Exiting."; exit 1; }
# install ant?
hash ant 2>&- || { echo >&2 "Oops, but you need ant. Install ant. Aborting setup, Exiting."; exit 1; }
# goto home directory - not needed, but useful to show root location
cd ~
# remove gwt working directory
#rm -rf ~/gwt
# make a working directory
mkdir ~/gwt
# go into that .....
----->>>>> Find the rest at the link above