). When I try to load a dev mode plugin chrome fails to load it. I keep getting message "Could not load GWT dev mode plugin" and in the console I get following errors
[24444:-1391222080:127017415849516:ERROR:webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc(407)] PluginMsg_Init returned false
[24444:-1391222080:127017509838691:ERROR:webplugin_impl.cc(269)] Couldn't initialize plug-in
Btw I used "--enable-easy-off-store-extension-install" flag to be able to install the plugin....
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app/Contents/MaS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary --enable-easy-off-store-extension-install --user-data-dir=~/.test
Has anyone been able to get GWT dev mode working in latest canary build?