On Dec 21, 6:25 am, Matt Moriarity <
matt.moriar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But in order to get your static service methods (besides just the find
> method), you need a ServiceLocator for your service:
do all these methods have to be static ?
I thought the idea behind 2.1.1 was to get rid of static ?
I am a bit confused on what is meant by the term "service" methods.
Normally we have a "Service Layer", and a "Data Access Layer"
Data Access Layer (all the DAOs), responsible for communicating with
persistent stores to find objects of a "given type"
findCustomerById, ByEmail, AllCustomers, AllCustomersWithCriteriaX
all of this goes into CustomerDAO
then you need a Service Layer, that uses many of these DAOs to satisfy
a use case.
PersonService, might use PersonDAO, AccountDAO, and more ..., performs
a business logic on them and take some action.
in RequestFactory 2.1.1, do you think the ServiceLayer and
ServiceLocator is just
for locating the DAOs or the Service objects as I described ?
(because in RequestFactory 2.1 even the DataAccess (DAOs) where inside
Entity class.
to achieve the complete isolation we need a ServiceLayer +
DataAccessLayer on top of our Entities.
with RF 2.1.1, can we specify just the Service method in GWT, and
leaving the job of dealing with DAOS to the Service object ?
> @ProxyFor(value = Person.class, locator = PersonLocator.class)
> then having a PersonLocator which implements Locator<Person> would fix this
> for you.
> @Service(value = PersonService.class, locator = MyServiceLocator.class)
> I'm not sure if the locator for the service is necessary if it has a default
> constructor. We use Spring, so we have a service locator that just pulls the
> bean out of spring.
I am planning to use it with Spring too.
in your case (spring), you need all 4 attributes ?
on PersonProxy we use @ProxyFor(EntityObject, EntityLocator)
on PersonService we use @Service(ServiceObject, ServiceObjectLocator)
so the EntityLocator is the DAO ? and ServiceLocator queries spring
to find the Service method to handle the EntityLocator ?
yet, all of these methods have to be static ?
Thank You