public class DockViewImpl extends Composite implements ClickHandler,
private Timer closeInterval = null;
// initialise the time-outs and intervals to 0
private Timer closeTimeout = null;
// create an array to store the DOM nodes of the icons
private final Image[] icons;;
// create an array to store the sizes of the icons
private final double[] iconSizes;
private final FlowPanel iconsNode = new FlowPanel();
private final ImageDetail[] imageDetails;
// create an array to store the DOM nodes of the icons
// private ImageElement[] images;
private final int maxSize;
// initialise the maximum width to 0
private int maxWidth;
private final int minSize;
private final FlowPanel node;
Timer openInterval = null;
private final int range;
// create an array to store the DOM nodes of reflections of the icons
private final Image[] reflectedIcons;
private FlowPanel reflectedIconsNode = new FlowPanel();
// initialise the scale factor to 0
private double scale = 0;
public DockViewImpl()
initWidget(node = new FlowPanel());
minSize = 80;
maxSize = 160;
range = 2;
int len = 8;
icons = new Image[len];
iconSizes = new double[len];
reflectedIcons = new Image[len];
imageDetails = new ImageDetail[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
ImageDetail img = new ImageDetail();
img.setSizes(new int[] { 80, 160 });
imageDetails[i] = img;
private void loopOverImages()
for (int i = 0, len = imageDetails.length; i < len; i++)
// create and store a node for the icon for this image
Image icon = new Image();
icons[i] = icon;
// position the icon for this image relatively
// store the initial size of the icon for this image
iconSizes[i] = minSize;
// create and store a node for the reflected icon for this image
Image reflectedIcon = new Image();
reflectedIcons[i] = reflectedIcon;
// update the properties of the icon for this image
// add the span for this image to the dock
// add the span for this image to the dock
// loop over the sizes available for this image
// for (int j = 0; j < imageDetails[i].getSizes().length;
// j++){
// // create a DOM node containing this image at this size
// ImageElement image = document.createElement("img");
// image.setAttribute(
// "src",
// imageDetails[i).getName()
// + imageDetails[i).sizes[j]
// + imageDetails[i).getExtension());
// // add the DOM node to the array of stored images
// images.push(image);
// }
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
Window.alert("You clicked the icon");
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event)
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event)
* Processes a mousemove event on an image in the 'dock'. The parameter
* e - the event object. Window.event will be used if this is
private void processMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e)
// clear the closing interval and time-out
if (closeTimeout != null)
closeTimeout = null;
if (closeInterval != null)
closeInterval = null;
// check that the opening interval is required but does not yet exist
// System.out.println("scale:"+scale
if (scale != 1 && openInterval == null)
// create the opening interval
openInterval = new Timer()
public void run()
if (scale < 1)
scale += 0.125;
if (scale >= 1)
scale = 1;
openInterval = null;
for (int i = 0, size = icons.length; i < size; i++)
// set the event object if the browser does not supply it
// if (!e)
// e = Window.event;
// find the DOM node on which the mouseover event occured
// var target = e.get;
// obtain the index of the icon on which the mouseover event occured
int idx = 0;
while (icons[idx] != e.getSource())
// obtain the fraction across the icon that the mouseover event
// occurred
double across = e.getX() / iconSizes[idx];
// check a distance across the icon was found (in some cases it will
// not be)
if (across != 0)
// initialise the current width to 0
int currentWidth = 0;
// loop over the icons
for (int i = 0, len = icons.length; i < len; i++)
// check whether the icon is in the range to be resized
if (i < idx - range || i > idx + range)
// set the icon size to the minimum size
iconSizes[i] = minSize;
} else if (i == idx)
// set the icon size to be the maximum size
iconSizes[i] = maxSize;
} else
// set the icon size to the appropriate value
iconSizes[i] = minSize
+ Math.round((maxSize - minSize - 1)
* (Math.cos((i - idx - across + (i < idx ? 1 : 0)) / range
* Math.PI) + 1) / 2);
// add the icon size to the current width
currentWidth += iconSizes[i];
// update the maximum width if necessary
if (currentWidth > maxWidth)
maxWidth = currentWidth;
// detect if the total size should be corrected
if (idx >= range && idx < iconSizes.length - range && currentWidth <
// correct the size of the smallest magnified icons
iconSizes[idx - range] = iconSizes[idx - range] +
Math.floor((maxWidth - currentWidth) / 2);
iconSizes[idx + range] = iconSizes[idx + range] +
Math.ceil((maxWidth - currentWidth) / 2);
// update the sizes of the images
for (int i = 0, len = icons.length; i < len; i++)
// Processes a mouseout event on an image in the dock.
private void processMouseOut()
// check that neither the closing interval nor time-out are set
if (closeTimeout == null && closeInterval == null)
// create the closing time-out
closeTimeout = new Timer()
public void run()
closeTimeout = null;
if (openInterval != null)
openInterval = null;
closeInterval = new Timer()
public void run()
if (scale > 0)
scale -= 0.125;
if (scale <= 0)
scale = 0;
closeInterval = null;
for (int i = 0, len = icons.length; i < len; i++)
* Sets a toolbar image to the specified size. The parameter is: index
- the
* 0-based index of the image to be sized
private void updateIconProperties(int index)
// determine the size for the icon, taking into account the scale
double size = minSize + scale * (iconSizes[index] - minSize);
// find the index of the appropriate image size
int sizeIdx = 0;
ImageDetail image = imageDetails[index];
int[] sizes = image.getSizes();
while (sizes[sizeIdx] < size && sizeIdx + 1 < sizes.length)
// check whether the full icon with its caption should be displayed
String name = image.getName();
String extension = image.getExtension();
// HP change to iconStyle
Element iconElem = icons[index].getElement();
// set the src attribute of the image for the icon
iconElem.setAttribute("src", name + ((size == maxSize) ? maxSize +
"-full" : sizes[sizeIdx]) + extension);
// set the width and height of the image for the icon and its
Style style = iconElem.getStyle();
setStyle(style, size);
style.setMarginTop(maxSize - size, Unit.PX);
// HP change to reflectIconStyle
Element reflectIconElem = reflectedIcons[index].getElement();
// set the src attribute of the image for the icon's reflection
reflectIconElem.setAttribute("src", name + sizes[sizeIdx] +
"-reflection" + extension);
setStyle(style = reflectIconElem.getStyle(), size);
style.setMarginBottom(maxSize - size, Unit.PX);
private void setStyle(Style style, double size)
style.setWidth(size, Unit.PX);
style.setHeight(size, Unit.PX);