I have a solution I can not find. I want to create a custom widget whick looks like a kind of "rich" tooltip (it is a exactly a popup in my case) that appear when my mouse is over the image. I have various behaviors for this widget :
(1) if the mouse is over the image so the popup appear (it is ok, I do it adding a MouseHandler on the image).
(2) the user can click on links that are inside the popup (so the popup do not desapear when the mouse goes inside it)
(3) if the mouse goes out of the image (and is not obviously inside the popup) so the popup must desapear.
My problem is that I do not succeed to implement behavior (2) and (3)...Actually, I have to do a click outside the popup to close it, and I just want the popup to be automatically closed when my mouse goes out of it. I tried to find a solution, but the code becomes complex, using focusPanel, and adding mouseHandlers with conditions...Maybe the solution is quite simple ?
Thank you for the help.