Yup, same problem for me at www.DiaryBooker.com/demo - click any appointment location to create a new appointment and you see it right there!This has actually happened before and a few updates later it had gone away again!
I'm not sure what version of GWT is currently live, but my current development version is not showing this issue, trouble is I am halfway through a massive update, so cant make any changes to the current live version
and Im getting complaints from my customers.... I have had to tell them to use Internet Explorer while we wait for Google to fix it!!
You mean "while they wait for you to update", right?I don't get why people get angry here: there was a bug in GWT, it was fixed 8 months ago in trunk and was released nearly 3 months ago (before users on the stable channel of Chrome could even notice). There's an easy workaround too for people not ready to update to GWT 2.5.
So what's the problem actually? You didn't test your apps with beta or dev versions of your browsers (that gives you 6 to 12 weeks to fix issues before your users can notice), you're 3 months late on updating to the latest stable release of GWT and you cannot deploy an updated version (recompiled with the workaround) quickly. You can blame GWT for using a "beta", though rather stable, API (requestAnimationFrame) to smooth the rendering of your app and having made assumptions on the value it received as argument and the exact time it'll be called back, but GWT is not the only one to blame by an order of magnitude.
Some of us are stuck on GWT 2.4 since the 2.5 release notes make a point of saying that they no longer support Chrome Frame for IE.
Since we support hospitals and large mining corporations that still run IE6, if they don't use Chrome Frame, it's practically unusable. (Yes, I know there's half a dozen forum posts saying "oh actually 2.5 still supports it", but as long as the release notes say it "officially", management won't allow us to upgrade.)
I think the bigger point people here are making is that Google Chrome made a radically change that made the Google Web Toolkit to break.
Perhaps you have the resources to fully regression test all of your applications every week on all 8 or 9 different supported browsers, plus dev/beta versions, but in the real world of enterprise software, that's simply not feasible.
Stable software should remain stable. If a customer upgrades his version of Windows, I shouldn't expect the new version to suddenly start working strangely because of a radical change in how animations are rendered. A similar concept should apply for web browsers.
Google fixed it and pushed an update to all Chrome users.
See here for more info:
I can't reproduce it on Chrome 24.0.1312.56 m either.
Is there a particular commit in this patch that might fixed the animation problem inadvertently? How likely is it for the issue to come back in the near future?
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