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GWT + Vector Drawing Tools

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Mar 22, 2012, 10:51:07 AM3/22/12
to Google Web Toolkit
I have the following questions:

1) I was wondering if there were any examples out there that displayed
vector objects models in a table/list type of format and also the
vector images themselves? I know there is Raphael, but i dont see any
examples that match my criteria. Raphael objects dont like being put
inside of other panels beside a RootPanel.

2) Can I have 3 RootPanels. 1 that holds the list i spoke about above
and 1 that holds the Raphael objects and 1 that holds both and have
all three 'speak' to one another?

3) Are there other vector drawing tools out there that will
accomplish what i am seeking to do?



Sebastian Gurin

Mar 22, 2012, 2:50:36 PM3/22/12
Hi I'm the author of raphael4gwt/ (a project different than raphaelgwt). My response between lines

On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 07:51:07 -0700 (PDT)
SigmaBlu <> wrote:

> I have the following questions:
> 1) I was wondering if there were any examples out there that displayed
> vector objects models in a table/list type of format and also the
> vector images themselves? I know there is Raphael, but i dont see any
> examples that match my criteria. Raphael objects dont like being put
> inside of other panels beside a RootPanel.

I don't understand "displayed vector objects models in a table/list type of format and also the vector images themselves". Do you mean put raphael shapes in a html table or gwt table/list widget? in the case of raphael4gwt, you always create a Paper object for drawing in it and you put the raphael paper in any html element. It comes with an PaperWidget (GWT Widget) that you can add your GWT GUI.

> 2) Can I have 3 RootPanels. 1 that holds the list i spoke about above
> and 1 that holds the Raphael objects and 1 that holds both and have
> all three 'speak' to one another?

in raphael4gwt you can have as many papers as you want, and you can perfectly register event listeners in one raphael shape1 in a paper1 and in the handler modify a shape2 in a paper2.


> 3) Are there other vector drawing tools out there that will
> accomplish what i am seeking to do?
> Thanks,
> Sigma

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Sebastian Gurin <>

Freddie Jefferson

Mar 22, 2012, 3:54:26 PM3/22/12

Thank you for your response.

In response to 1) and you not understanding  "displayed vector objects models in a table/list type of format and also the vector images themselves".  For example you have a Raphael objects visually representing Movies.  You now have these colored squares (made with raphael) with titles/text inside of, title...etc.  Is there a way to pull this data (author, title...etc) and then display it in a list (Lets say a GWT flex table with columns [author, title...etc]). And yes i was trying to display these raphael objects into some sort of object other than a RootLayoutPanel

But i guess that all of this doesnt matter because this isnt for GWT.  Thanks for your prompt response and information.


Steve Moyer

Mar 24, 2012, 11:32:23 AM3/24/12
to Google Web Toolkit
Why not use SVG? ... Most vendors now render it natively so it's fast
and you can attach events to the images or elements of the images
easily. Take a look at lib-gwt-svg (not that SVG images can be
complex, and the library supports that complexity so it appears like
you'd have to learn a lot to start. The examples show how simple you
can make it though).

Freddie Jefferson

Mar 27, 2012, 11:06:51 AM3/27/12
It does look interesting.  Thanks!


Mar 29, 2012, 5:03:58 AM3/29/12
I always use 
This uses SVG or VML on IE8 and older.

I believe Raphaël is more powerfull but I find the API of GWT-graphics better suited to a Java environment (with GWT-Raphaël the API is to much Javascript minded imo).

I don't know lib-gwt-svg but do remember that IE8 and older have NO support for SVG. And IE8 is still widely used.

Op dinsdag 27 maart 2012 17:06:51 UTC+2 schreef SigmaBlu het volgende:
It does look interesting.  Thanks!

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Freddie Jefferson

Mar 29, 2012, 10:06:19 AM3/29/12

Thanks for your input.  You all have made me increasingly aware of libraries used with GWT allows me to draw shapes.  Many Thanks!


Have you successfully used drag and drop or some other library with GWT-Graphic?  Do you have any of your examples on-line?



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Joseph Lust

Mar 29, 2012, 3:29:42 PM3/29/12
Another vote here for going the way of SVG. With the little known SMIL animation standard, you can do some really amazing stuff through GWT, or just pure SVG if you like. We used lib-gwt-svg to interface with the SVG in my project. The results were pretty stunning, but it was an internal product that will never see the light of day, or I'd post some videos.  :(

Check out these examples on



Mar 30, 2012, 6:38:41 AM3/30/12
I didn't use the gwt-dnd library with GWT-Graphics but I did use a lot of other stuff.
The biggest thing I did with GWT was to use it as on overlay on Sasha maps ( ) to draw Vector data on maps. All this vector data is clickable and other stuff.

On a note : 
GWT-Graphics is 100% pure GWT without any javascript (unlike GWT Raphaël for example which is a GWT wrapper around a Javascript library).
All objects you draw in GWT-Graphics (like Rectangle) do extends the default Widget class from GWT. This means that you can use these objects just like you handle any GWT widget. You can for example simply add a normal GWT ClickHandler to Rectangle.
Since GWT-Graphics is build up this way I believe you shouldn't have any worries about it being incompatible with any other library.

I have no online examples. Only internal projects.

Op donderdag 29 maart 2012 16:06:19 UTC+2 schreef SigmaBlu het volgende:

Thanks for your input.  You all have made me increasingly aware of libraries used with GWT allows me to draw shapes.  Many Thanks!


Have you successfully used drag and drop or some other library with GWT-Graphic?  Do you have any of your examples on-line?



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