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Unknown problem upgrading from 1.7.1 to 2.1.0

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Rob Tanner

Dec 10, 2010, 6:32:38 PM12/10/10
to Google Web Toolkit

I was running GWT 1.7.1 with the Eclipse toolkit (version 3.5 for
Galileo) and upgraded to GWT 2.1.0 in order to get some functionality
I need on the client side. But when I try to bring up hosted mod, I
get the two standard messages about CocoaComponent compatibility mode
(my development system is an iMac) and then nothing. So, I set the
default back to GWT 1.7.1 so I can get work done that needs to get
done now and back-burnered the upgrade.

But now, when I try to run in hosted mode on 1.7.1, I have to go and
edit the arguments to remove "-codeServerPort 9997" which in unknown
in version 1.7.1. I have to do this every time. How do I permanently
I get rid of that program argument until I ready to tackle the


Rob Tanner
Linfield College

Chris Conroy

Dec 11, 2010, 4:38:38 PM12/11/10
to Google Web Toolkit
The development mode logs go into a separate tab titled 'Development Mode'. Window->Show View->Other->Google->Development Mode

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Dec 27, 2010, 1:53:28 PM12/27/10
I am having the same issue.  Did you find a solution?

Rob Tanner

Dec 27, 2010, 2:27:28 PM12/27/10
Yes I did. It's called read the release notes (or, as they say,
RTFM :-) ). Buried within the document is a small notation that the
hosted mode is renamed to development mode and that the old hosted
mode browser is no longer a part of the toolkit. Click on the
development mode tab and you will find a URL to double click and it
brings up your default browser instead. The first time you try, a
page will come up telling you that you need to install a plugin.
Follow the link, install it and you're in business.

On Dec 27, 2010, at 10:53 AM, miller wrote:

> I am having the same issue. Did you find a solution?


Dec 28, 2010, 2:37:38 AM12/28/10
to Google Web Toolkit
There's the list of things we do when we switch from one GWT version
to the other:
- uninstall Hosted mode plugin from the browser (it's incompatible
even if you change from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 and this is not detected by the
- Make sure that no old gwt-user.jar (or other gwt jars) is copied
somewhere to the directory where you start the server (tomcat for
- If you're using gwt-incubator.jar, it's very sensitive to code
changes the do in GWT. Always new jar is released when new GWT is
- Remove old run targets in eclipse and allow the framework to create

What issues we already had:
- Make sure you first try to compile to javascript. It gives more
meaningful messages than direct hosted mode startup.

Maybe it will help you in your previous problem - the upgrade.
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