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Adsense with GWT: Management by silence

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Blessed Geek

Jan 17, 2010, 7:34:57 PM1/17/10
to Google Web Toolkit
Twenty years ago, someone once told me that doing business in China is
like having the rules changed in the middle of a ball game.

Unlike China, Japanese management rewards you for highlighting
ambiguities in instructions and policies. Japanese management takes
pains to ensure you are well aware of your constraints and objectives.
With the exception of Japanese corporate culture, far-east Asian
management practices is rampantly management-by-silence (MBS) as
opposed to management-by-objectives(MBO). MBS is a very formidable and
intimidating control methodology exerted by management thro ambiguity.

The way MBS works is by management giving a set of thoroughly thought
out instructions and policies. It is so thoroughly thought out and
perfected that any questions and request for further clarification is
met with glaring-eyed haughtiness or deer-in-the-headlights stare. It
is like Karl Marx is god-perfect but Mohamed, Moses or Jesus is not,
so if you are intelligent enough and qualified for the job, don't ask
anymore questions about what has already been clearly laid out. I
wonder if MBS is a cultural artefact perfected thro millenia or a
control technique perfected thro decades of socialism and communism.
MBS is also deliberately deployed as a means of population and policy
control. Here is a set of complete instructions - go figure it out
yourself and pleasure us.

So, after a number of years of having set-up shop in China, has Google
learned the formidability of MBS too? I hope not.

But I can't help being in deja vu all over again when I read so many
requests for clarification of deploying adsense on GWT framework,
Google has but projected a wall-of-silence.

Like Google's presence in China, we GWT developers are an honest lot
hoping to do as little or no evil but as much good as possible. We are
not out to defraud Google and understand the need to ensure adsense
advertisers get as much value as possible and we work to ensure that
happens in our pages.

However, to date, I have searched and googled and binged and yahooed
and have not been able to find a clear cut policy on how we could
deploy adsense on GWT generated pages. There are suggestions though
from experienced GWT, some with cock-sure confidence that they are
practising what-is-acceptable-to-Google and some with horror stories
of having no blipping idea why their account has been disabled.

There has been, to date, no GWT API for embedding adsense.

Management-by-silence? I hope not.

Rather, I hope that it is the case of Google being so swamped with
work that it has yet found human resources to address this issue. If
this is the case, Google had better put this issue on top priority
even if it competes with ChromeOS or Nexus for priorities because
adsense is your bread-and-butter. You cannot advise us not to use GWT
if we hope to deploy adsense because GWT is such an incredibly
beautiful and work-saving framework that I cannot pull myself away
from it.

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