visibilitychange event

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Craig Mitchell

Aug 7, 2017, 12:33:56 AM8/7/17
to GWT Users
I wanted to know when the visibilitychange event was fired (ie: the browser is minimised).  I've coded it in JavaScript, as I couldn't see it being supported in GWT:

private static native final String getVisibilityState() /*-{
return document.visibilityState;
private static native final void listenForVisibliltyChange(Command onChange) /*-{
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {*)();
}, false);

I'm not sure if doing calls like this causes memory leaks or anything.  Please shout out if you know of any issues doing it this way.



Aug 7, 2017, 5:21:33 AM8/7/17
to GWT Users
Generally ok, given it is a global listener and you probably just install it once on app initialization. However you should use $doc instead of document to make sure you listen on the global document. Depending on your browser support you might want a utility method to check if visibility change events are actually supported by the browser.

static native boolean isSupported() /*-{
  return $doc.hidden !== 'undefined' && $doc.visibilityState !== 'undefined';

In our app we created a PageVisibilityChangedEvent which extends GwtEvent and then fire it on the app wide EventBus so everyone can easily listen for it. To register the DOM handler we used 

Element doc = Document.get().cast();
.sinkBitlessEvent(doc, VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT);
.setEventListener(doc, new EventListener() {
public void onBrowserEvent(final Event event) {
if (VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT.equals(event.getType())) {

You could of course also use elemental2 (requires newest GWT) or JsInterop to reduce the amount of JSNI if that is important for you.

-- J.

Craig Mitchell

Aug 7, 2017, 8:04:27 AM8/7/17
to GWT Users
Thanks Jens.  Now switched it to use $doc.  And, yes, I just register once, and fire a custom event on the event bus.  Although, I just did it using my own event bus like this:

final EventBus EVENT_BUS = GWT.create(SimpleEventBus.class);

(new Command() {
public void execute() {
boolean visible = "visible".equals(getVisibilityState());
.fireEvent(new WindowVisibilityChangedEvent(visible));

I suspect your way is better, although, I don't really understand what sinking events onto the DOM is doing.

elemental2 looks cool!  Will check it out.

My custom event if anyone wants to reuse it:

public class WindowVisibilityChangedEvent extends GwtEvent<WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler> {
public static Type<WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler>();
private boolean visibile;
public WindowVisibilityChangedEvent(boolean visible) {
this.visibile = visible;
public Type<WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler> getAssociatedType() {
return TYPE;

protected void dispatch(WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler handler) {
public boolean isVisibile() {
return visibile;

And the handler:
public interface WindowVisibilityChangedEventHandler extends EventHandler {
void visibilityChanged(WindowVisibilityChangedEvent windowVisibilityChangedEvent);


Thomas Broyer

Aug 7, 2017, 10:03:59 AM8/7/17
to GWT Users
In addition to $doc vs document, you should wrap your callback with $entry()
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Craig Mitchell

Aug 7, 2017, 5:52:20 PM8/7/17
to GWT Users
Thanks Thomas.  Final code for reference:


private static native final String getVisibilityState()
  return $doc.visibilityState;

private static native final void listenForVisibilityChange(Command onChange) /*-{
  $doc.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
  }, false);

Thomas Broyer

Aug 8, 2017, 5:42:53 AM8/8/17
to GWT Users
You're misusing $entry(): it takes a function as argument and returns a function; it should be used to wrap the function(){}.

Craig Mitchell

Aug 8, 2017, 8:34:58 PM8/8/17
to GWT Users
Ah, yes, good pickup, thanks.  Final, final code:  :-)


private static native final String getVisibilityState()/*-{
  return $doc.visibilityState;

private static native final void listenForVisibilityChange(Command onChange)
$entry(function() {*)();
  }), false);

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