Revise policies and change some private members to protected.

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Blessed Geek

Dec 28, 2011, 11:53:38 AM12/28/11
to Google Web Toolkit
BTW, there are too many members going around as private members in

For example, to name a couple ..

- the widgets/elements in Caption of DialogBox.
- the list in ListHandler.

Should chill up on paternalistic anxieties and open up some of those
stuffs into protected mode.


Dec 28, 2011, 5:05:27 PM12/28/11
I understand that this is a bit frustrating.
I talked with the developers about this a few times and the issue tracker contains some issues about this.
But, it will probably not happen  in the near future as it gives the gwt dev team the opportunity to more easy make changes and not creating a locked in situation and drag around a lot of legacy code. 
Don't forget that GWT doesn't exists that long and probably things will open up as soon as it's more clear how all should/must look.

Solution/Workaround: copy and improve it yourself and override it through gwt config if needed.

Thomas Broyer

Dec 29, 2011, 6:12:18 AM12/29/11

On Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:05:27 PM UTC+1, Ed wrote:
Solution/Workaround: copy and improve it yourself and override it through gwt config if needed.

You could also access private members through JSNI (which bypasses Java access rules).

And in the case of the list in ListHandler, you can modify its content rather than replacing it: lh.getList().clear(); lh.getList().addAll(newList) 

(I don't see any "elements" or "widgets" in DialogBox.CaptionImpl; not sure what's being asked here)
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