Can anyone please help me out on the below? I am new to GWT and I have been trying a lot to get a starter app running using GWT, Spring and hibernate.
I was able to set up basic app but now I want to use RequestFactory with Spring MVC. After searching a lot I came across few links to get started but I am not able to completely figure out how to get the configuration right, and my app is not working :( .
Can anyone please suggest me where I can get a sample app with RequestFactory and SpringMVC configured so that I can get the settings right. Or help me to get my app running.
I am using GWT 2.4 and spring 3.
My web.xml is :
<!-- Default page to serve -->
<!-- Spring context -->
<!-- SpringGwt remote service servlet -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bean id="urlMapping"
<property name="mappings">
<bean id="gwtSpringServiceLayerDecorator"
class="org.spring4gwt.examples.simplerpc.server.servlet.GWTSpringServiceLayerDecorator" />
<bean id="defaultExceptionHandler"
class="com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.server.DefaultExceptionHandler" />
<!-- RequestFactoryServlet bean is scoped as singleton. Injecting custom
SpringServiceLayerDecorator. -->
<bean id="requestFactoryServlet"
<constructor-arg ref="defaultExceptionHandler" />
<constructor-arg ref="gwtSpringServiceLayerDecorator" />
<bean id="gwtSpringEntityLocator"
class="org.spring4gwt.examples.simplerpc.server.servlet.GWTSpringEntityLocator" />
<bean id="gwtSpringServiceLocator"
class="org.spring4gwt.examples.simplerpc.server.servlet.GWTSpringServiceLocator" />
<!-- IMPORTANT NOTE: CustomServletWrappingController is a hacked version
of ServletWrappingController. The servlet class defined here will not be
used. Please see CustomServletWrappingController for more information. -->
<bean id="gwtRequestFactoryController"
<property name="servletClass">
<property name="servletName">
@Service(locator = GWTSpringServiceLocator.class, value = EmployeeRequest.class)
public interface EmployeeRequest extends RequestContext {
Request<EmployeeProxy> findEmployee(Long id);
InstanceRequest<EmployeeProxy, Void> persist();
EmployeeProxy .java
@ProxyFor(value = EmployeeDTO.class, locator = GWTSpringEntityLocator.class)
public interface EmployeeProxy extends EntityProxy {
String getEmployeeName();
String getEmployeeSurname();
Long getEmployeeId();
String getJob();
void setEmployeeName(String employeeName);
void setEmployeeSurname(String employeeSurname);
void setJob(String job);
void setEmployeeId(long employeeId);
@Table(name = "EMPLOYEE")
public class EmployeeDTO implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7440297955003302414L;
private long employeeId;
@Column(name="employee_name", nullable = false, length=30)
private String employeeName;
@Column(name="employee_surname", nullable = false, length=30)
private String employeeSurname;
@Column(name="job", length=50)
private String job;
public EmployeeDTO() {
public EmployeeDTO(int employeeId) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;
public EmployeeDTO(long employeeId, String employeeName, String employeeSurname,
String job) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;
this.employeeName = employeeName;
this.employeeSurname = employeeSurname;
this.job = job;
public long getEmployeeId() {
return employeeId;
public void setEmployeeId(long employeeId) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;
public String getEmployeeName() {
return employeeName;
public void setEmployeeName(String employeeName) {
this.employeeName = employeeName;
public String getEmployeeSurname() {
return employeeSurname;
public void setEmployeeSurname(String employeeSurname) {
this.employeeSurname = employeeSurname;
public String getJob() {
return job;
public void setJob(String job) {
this.job = job;
public interface EmployeeService {
public EmployeeDTO findEmployee(long employeeId);
public void persist(EmployeeDTO employeeDTO);
public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService{
private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO;
public void init() throws Exception {
public void destroy() {
public EmployeeDTO findEmployee(long employeeId) {
return employeeDAO.findById(employeeId);
@Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor=Exception.class)
public void persist(EmployeeDTO employeeDTO) {
if(employeeDTO == null) {
In my onModuleLoad method where I have the event for a button click on the page I am doing this
EmployeeRequest request = requestFactory.employeeRequest();
EmployeeProxy newEmployee = request.create(EmployeeProxy.class);
Request<Void> createReq = request.persist().using(newEmployee);
new Receiver<EmployeeProxy>() {
public void onSuccess(EmployeeProxy employee) {
dialogBox.setText("Remote Procedure Call");
The call for persist using request does not do anything. And the call to findEmployee throws a null pointer exception.
The locators I am using are attached in the mail.
Please help me resolve this.
Thanks & Regards,