GWT Eclipse Plugin 4 Problem

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Bob Lacatena

Dec 11, 2023, 3:12:30 PM12/11/23
to GWT Users
Hey. My coworker and I ran into trouble installing the GWT plugin on Eclipse 2023-12 (worked fine on 2023-09, so this isn't urgent, I'm just letting you know).
A couple of weeks ago I got a new Mac, installed Eclipse 2023-09 and the GWT plugin, no problem.

My coworker just got a new PC (Windows 11), and got Eclipse 2023-12 (just released), tried to install the GWT plugin as I did, and could not.  It first required JustJ Adoptium OpenJDK 21.

  JustJ Adoptium OpenJDK Hotspot JRE Complete 21.0.1.v20231028-0937 Eclipse JustJ

After doing so, getting the GWT plugin still failed.  First it says "Cannot complete operation.  Computing alternate solutions, may take a while: X/15"

Then it tells you it failed, giving you a chance to select other features (but there is only one).

I confirmed that this also happens with 2023-12 on my Mac.

My co-worker dropped back to 2023-09 on his PC, and it installed fine.

Just an FYI.

Fred Andrews

Jan 31, 2024, 9:09:53 PMJan 31
to GWT Users
No response to this man's issue after 6 weeks and I just hit the same problem.  This is shocking.  

The plugin cannot be installed.   Is GWT a dead product?

Colin Alworth

Jan 31, 2024, 9:18:09 PMJan 31
to GWT Users
There is a pending patch for this at You should be able to pull and build this to get working again on the very latest Eclipse versions - and if you do, leave a comment, a code review, etc, and we can get this merged more expediently.

GWT is largely a volunteer project, the GWT Plugin for Eclipse doubly so - and while the GWT contributor pool is small, the GPE pool is more of a puddle. We're trying to raise interest in this among users and contributors, but we can't drag people to work on code or force them to pay for work to get done. The GPE tooling has never formally been part of the GWT project (first owned entirely by the App Engine team at Google if I'm not mistaken, then ran as its own github org for many years), but we're trying to bring these pieces in line as we grow.

Additionally, Eclipse marketshare isn't what it once was - I can't remember the last time I saw a project that ran better on Eclipse than IntelliJ. This is not intended as a slight towards anyone who is more productive with Eclipse, only as a remark that with fewer interest, it is hard to keep the project going.

Finally, the workaround is straightforward - 2023-09 was the latest as of 60 days ago, falling back to it will likely not destroy any development workflows.

Daniel Webb

Jun 20, 2024, 6:46:12 AMJun 20
to GWT Users
I can confirm that a workaround to the GWT plugin not installing on Eclipse 2024-06 is:
Install Eclipse 2023-09
Install GWT 4.0 Plugin
Optional: Install SDBG plugin
Update Eclipse to 2024-06

The error I was getting trying to install GWT plugin on 2024-06 was:
Missing requirement: GWT Eclipse Plugin (com.gwtplugins.gdt.eclipse.suite requires 'osgi.bundle; javax.inject 1.0.0'

Can anyone point me to some IntelliJ GWT How-To? I'd be happy to switch from Eclipse for GWT development if IntelliJ is the preferred ide.

Craig Mitchell

Jun 20, 2024, 7:54:11 PMJun 20
to GWT Users
To use the free IntelliJ Community Edition, you have to switch to use Maven first.

Note that you will lose some functionality, like being about to easily create UI Binder widgets (you'll have to create them manually).

Also, I've never found a replacement for SDBG in IntelliJ Community Edition, so I've been using Chromes debugger.  Maybe one exists somewhere, would be nice if it did.

The paid IntelliJ Ultimate has its own GWT plugin, but I haven't used it, so not sure what it give you.

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