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Using RequestBuilder to communicate with a RESTful API on another port

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Alexander Orlov

May 31, 2011, 8:08:15 AM5/31/11
to Google Web Toolkit
I want to write a RESTful GWT frontend for a RESTful backend. The
problem is that the backend code (server) is written in Go and can't
run on the same port as GWT's dev server (port 8888 & 9997).

Due to XMLHttpRequest's (the underlying class behind RequestBuilder)
security restrictions I can't communicate with anything that isn't
running on the same port of the same host? Of course I can write GWT
frontend code, compile it and run it on the same host&port but this
dev approach isn't really feasible as I can't test anything while I'm
in dev mode.

So is there a way to make REST calls (via RequestBuilder or
XMLHttpRequest) to a server that isn't running on the same host&port?


Thomas Broyer

May 31, 2011, 8:16:39 AM5/31/11
If you do not have server-side code in Java, then you can just start the DevMode in -noserver- mode and point it to your "Go" server, see's

Otherwise, you can deploy a "proxy servlet" in the embedded Jetty server, see

Alexander Orlov

May 31, 2011, 8:21:10 AM5/31/11
to Google Web Toolkit
On May 31, 2:16 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> If you do not have server-side code in Java, then you can just start the
> DevMode in -noserver- mode and point it to your "Go" server, see

Yep, I guess that's what I need. Thx!


Alexander Orlov

May 31, 2011, 11:32:14 AM5/31/11
to Google Web Toolkit
On May 31, 2:16 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> If you do not have server-side code in Java, then you can just start the
> DevMode in -noserver- mode and point it to your "Go" server, see

To accomplish this I use Maven's GWT plugin with the following config:

<!-- .. -->

After "mvn gwt:run" I get the Dev Mode Console but after clicking on
"Launch Default Browser" the browser popups with

Calling the GWT container page manually leads to

"GWT module 'commander' may need to be (re)compiled" matter whether I call the GWT container page via file:/// or http://

Executing the result of "mvn gwt:compile" works fine. But that's the
production code that takes minutes to compile.

Any tips how I can use the -noserver with Maven or IntelliJ (I don't
use Eclipse)?

Alexander Orlov

May 31, 2011, 12:02:54 PM5/31/11
to Google Web Toolkit
On May 31, 5:32 pm, Alexander Orlov <> wrote:
> Any tips how I can use the -noserver with Maven or IntelliJ (I don't
> use Eclipse)?

Ok, I've got it :)

The "?gwt.codesvr=" parameter was missing. So basically
my Go server plays Jetty.

Thomas Broyer

May 31, 2011, 12:26:21 PM5/31/11
Er, no. Without the gwt.codesvr, you run the "compiled JS" (or if you didn't "mvn gwt:compile", you run the almost-empty *.nocache.js generated by DevMode so you can use it (the DevMode)), with gwt.codesvr your trigger the DevMode browser plugin which connects back to the DevMode app (listening at
There's absolutely no Jetty involved here.
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