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Re: Abridged summary of - 2 updates in 1 topic

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Edson Richter

Jan 23, 2021, 10:00:39 AM1/23/21
to Google Web Toolkit
After fighting with no debug working on gwt (yeah, believe me, tryied everything) and fighting hard with missing date/time daylight savings time horror stories, we decided to move gradually to Angular+. It is easy to integrate both Angular and gwt modules (not components) on same page by using iframes. We will do that until everything is rewritten in Angular. Few thounds dialogs and hundred custom components are being rewritten by the team. And thanks to our architecture (encouraged by gwt), we have zero business rewrite.

That's it, gwt is at the end of line here.

Of course Angular presents many obstacles that we will overcome using OO patterns thanks to typescript, which is a elegant language for its purpose.



Em sáb, 23 de jan de 2021 10:01, <> escreveu:
RobW <>: Jan 22 05:13AM -0800

Similar decision process for us. After a lot of research into Vue, React
etc we decided the switch over and learning curve just didn't pay back. Our
app scaffold in GWT is actually really solid, ...more
Jofrantoba <>: Jan 22 12:38PM -0500

Hi, Alexander.
I'm jofrantoba. I'd like working but my english is basic.
My best is the reading.
atte @jofrantoba <>
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Jan 23, 2021, 2:21:29 PM1/23/21
to GWT Users
I'm sorry to hear your problem with debugging and daylight saving time... In such case I would just take a paid / professional consulting like e.g. Vertispan to solve my problems. It is more cheaper than trying 1000 hours 😉

Anyway I found out that Angular programming model is very similar to GWT with all those design patterns. In my experience with frameworks you always have some problems (this happens also with Spring Framework), so I never expect that everything works always smoothly 😉 

Good luck 👍


Jan 23, 2021, 3:32:34 PM1/23/21
to GWT Users
Rewrite in most cases is just a wrong step, doing it gradually may make it less expensive but it is still a very expensive approach, I have always been wondering why companies prefer a rewrite over hiring some experts to solve the issues, hiring an expert might look an expensive choice, but it is way cheaper than a rewrite, plus you can make your better by having an expert teaching them. also, I see the main issue with a rewrite is that you will still face issues and in many cases, you will be doing the same or new mistakes and then blame the technology again..and then start a new rewrite.

just a side note I have been working with GWT for more than 10 years, I never failed to debug any GWT application we had.

Craig Mitchell

Feb 13, 2021, 7:09:06 AM2/13/21
to GWT Users
> After fighting with no debug working on gwt

On the server, or the front end?  The server should be just a normal Java debugger.  The front end you can just use the Chrome debugger (as you would with Angular).  Pre GWT Super Dev mode, debugging was a nightmare.  Now, it works flawlessly.

> missing date/time daylight savings time horror stories

That's a JavaScript problem, and you'll still face it with Angular.  There are JavaScript libraries that help with this.

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