On Dec 28, 2:14 pm, Thomas Broyer <
t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is not ReST, ReST is about hypertext (HATEOAS). Using a URL per
> resource is not enough to make a service "RESTful":
http://www.crummy.com/writing/speaking/2008-QCon/act3.html(only level 3 can
> actually be called "RESTful")
Thanks Thomas for pointing this out. I've added a note about this in
Additional resources. My sample is at level two, missing hyperlinks.
> This also means your client code cannot have an RPC-like interface and
> pretend to be "RESTful" (or "consume a RESTful service").
Besides that it should use the URI's received from the server via
hyperlinks, is there anything else to improve?