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As CSS and HTML are so closely tied to each other
in use, having them as separate modules makes me think of
excessive DB normalization (and the potential evils thereof).
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Thanks everybody for input.As @Colin already mentioned I was talking about option 4 of Thomas list. I have moved gwt-safecss as separate modules into gwt-safehtml. (Need to add a note at the existing GitHub repo of gwt-safecss that the modules have moved after the PR is merged). I made a PR: https://github.com/Vertispan/gwt-safehtml/pull/6. Everybody is welcome to discuss the PR.There is one thing that needs to be discussed:Atm the name of the module is the last part of the groupid. For example gwt-editor: 'org.gwtproject.editor'. So, we have an easy rule how the groupid and artifatid is created.Moving gwt-safecss into gwt-safehtml, we will have the first time two modules in one repo. Both modules share the same parent Maven module. If we do nothing, the rule mentioned above will work for gwt-safehtml but not for gwt-safecss. gwt-safecss has the groupid 'org.gwtproject.safehtml' cause of the parent pom. I changed that, so that the groupid of gwt-safecss is 'org.gwtproject.safecss'. But doing this is very unusual for a Maven multi module project.
Personally I would go with 'org.gwtproject.gwt-safecss' as groupid. It will make it much easier for gwt users to work with the module.What do you think?
Personally I would go with 'org.gwtproject.gwt-safecss' as groupid. It will make it much easier for gwt users to work with the module.What do you think?Do you really mean org.gwtproject.gwt-safecss as groupId‽ I.e. org.gwtproject.gwt-safecss:gwt-safecss coordinates‽
I'd be OK with org.gwtproject:gwt-safecss, but how about org.gwtproject.safetypes grouping both gwt-safehtml and gwt-safecss? (and possibly gwt-safeuri, gwt-safehtml-templates gwt-safehtml-templates-processor if we split further)Or org.gwtproject.safe-html-types, inspired by https://github.com/google/safe-html-types?
Or just keep using the "root" package name as the groupId: org.gwtproject.safehtml:gwt-safehtml (and then annotation processor, etc.) and org.gwtproject.safecss:gwt-safecss (and later possibly org.gwtproject.safeuri:gwt-safeuri)