Active Robot from external URL

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Tobias Bachthaler

Jul 22, 2010, 6:14:26 AM7/22/10
to Google Wave API
Hi guys,

I'm new to the group. I'm working on my thesis and I have a question
regarding the Active Robot API.

I'd like to create a Google Wave Robot that is hosted on my companys
Tomcat Webserver, that is able to communicate with the Google Wave
Server (not the Sandbox one).

Firstly I'd like to connect to my inbox via OAuth be able to retrieve
information stored in it and be able to create new waves in reaction
to events of the application on my application server.

I quite some Tutorials about the Wave Data API and the Active Robot
API but the steps I have to take are not yet clear.

Am I able to register a Robot hosted on an external Application Server
(not Google AppEngine) to the Wave Preview Domain (not Sandbox)?

Does someone know a good example in Google Code svn for what I need?

Thanks a lot in advance and greetings from Germany!

Daniel F.

Jul 25, 2010, 9:08:32 AM7/25/10
to Google Wave API

This is not possible in the Preview.

You'd be better off clearly separating the tasks you want to archieve.
There are good examples on how to read the inbox via OAuth (unzip the
google chrome notifier for javascript only; then there are two good
python examples, where the best one is
which is also capable of posting blips and creating new waves).

The other task would be hosting a robot externally, which is not
possible in the Preview, and I've only searched for and used examples
written in Python.

Since you mention Tornado, I guess you come from the Java side of
things. I can't help you there.


On Jul 22, 12:14 pm, Tobias Bachthaler <>

Daniel F.

Jul 25, 2010, 1:58:32 PM7/25/10
to Google Wave API
"Since you mention Tornado" >> I meant to say Tomcat

On Jul 25, 3:08 pm, "Daniel F." <> wrote:
> This is not possible in the Preview.
> You'd be better off clearly separating the tasks you want to archieve.
> There are good examples on how to read the inbox via OAuth (unzip the
> google chrome notifier for javascript only; then there are two good
> python examples, where the best one is
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