oh wait , thats a good news and bad news at the same time.
good news is anyone can implement their own wave server ( just like
email server , jabber server ) so they are free to use any framework
to implement such.
bad news is that companies have to implement their own so they won't
be able to utilize google implementation and good stuff they have
added to the wave server.
We all know it takes more than a month work to implement any engine
based on the spec , and I think we also know that corporates won't be
likely using this feature to implement their collaboration system by
letting google host the server .
I know what I am saying is pointless because google recent business
model clearly speaks as a Cloud Environment to enourage everyone to go
ahead and deploy all they got in Google but still it would be really
nice and good for Wave adoption if google distributes the server
binary and let all corporate users to deploy it in their internal
workspace . ( Think of it as Apache Tomcat that hosts Wave
Applications !! )
On May 31, 7:41 pm, James Purser <
jamesrpur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> farshid wrote:
> > I have got one basic question regarding Wave and its deployment plans.
> > Will other companies be allowed to run their own instance of Google
> > Wave server internally or all the users must connect to google wave
> > shared server.
> > My major concern is if , for instance , I want to write a plugin which
> > would store and pass around companies internal communication it can
> > not be usable for most part if it has to be hosted by google due to
> > legal issues.
> > Thanks
> The spec is available for anyone to build their own wave server. From
> the demo video they say their going to be open sourcing the "Lions
> Share" of the code behind Googles own Wave service. Think of the Wave
> Protocol like SMTP/POP3/IMAP. Anyone can build their own implementation,
> and so long as they stick to the standard they'll be able to communicate
> or not with other wave services.
> --
> James Purser
> Collaborynthhttp://
> GTalk: