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Google Charts New Release Candidate: V52, Feb 20, 2023

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Daniel LaLiberte

Feb 20, 2023, 2:16:05 PM2/20/23
to, Google Visualization API

Google Charts version '52' is now available.  You can use this upcoming version by loading 'upcoming'.  Please test the new features and let us know if you experience any issues.  



   {packages: ['corechart']});


This release primarily consists of a large number of refactoring and cleanup changes.  All code has been migrated to ES6, and a substantial fraction has been migrated to TypeScript. We are still moving forward toward open-sourcing the Google Charts code, but many more internal changes are required before that can be accomplished.

Anticipated production release date: March 20, 2023

At this time, the 'current' version is still '51'.

On the release date, loading either 'current' or 'upcoming' will load '52'. 

Note that this is a much longer release cycle compared to previous releases, due to the large number of internal changes.

  • GeoChart

    • Updated geochartVersion to 11, and regioncoderVersion to 1.

  • Dygraph charts

    • Gantt, Timeline, and the Material charts: Bar, Line, Scatter

    • No longer loads the Dygraph library dynamically since it is compiled in.

  • Table

    • Fix highlighting of current page number for more than 11 pages.

  • OrgChart

    • Add ‘compactRows’ option. Default is false.

    • Uses the  Reingold-Tilford algorithm for layered trees. Its main advantage is a more effective use of horizontal space by placing subtrees close together as long as nodes in the same layer do not overlap.


Daniel LaLiberte

 • SWE

 Cambridge MA


Daniel LaLiberte

Feb 21, 2023, 6:05:45 PM2/21/23
to, Google Visualization API
If you are using both Google Charts and Google Maps in the same document, you might have a problem using the 'upcoming' version.

I am seeing a single instance of "var google = {};" in the default package of v52, which is loaded before any other package, or even if no other package is loaded.  Consequently, any previously loaded google.maps code will be deleted. Until I figure this out, this probably means that anyone using both Google Charts and Google Maps in the same document cannot load the 'upcoming' version. Alternatively, if 'upcoming' is required, it might work to load the Google Charts code before loading the Google Maps code. 

Emmanuel Schanzer

Feb 22, 2023, 8:02:49 AM2/22/23
to Google Visualization API
Hi Daniel - congrats on the new release! Is there a place where we can track open issues, to see if they're resolved? (The histogram-intervals bug is still killing us...) Hopefully the refactoring will allow for some of the fixes you alluded to in the other thread, without too much disruption...

Daniel LaLiberte

Feb 22, 2023, 11:22:26 AM2/22/23
Unfortunately, I did not have time to work on the histogram bug that you pointed out previously. would be the ideal place to post a bug about this, which you can then track.  We have not properly followed up by maintaining this issues list, but once I open source the code, I'm hopeful we can build a community of developers to help out.

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Daniel LaLiberte

Mar 11, 2023, 5:55:31 PM3/11/23
to Google Visualization API

Daniel LaLiberte

5:35 PM (17 minutes ago)


to google-visualization-api
I've updated v52 with a fix for the orgchart bug (when the table would have colspans greater than 1000).  There are also a large number of changes to the module structure of the code, all to eliminate the "var google = {}" problem.  But there should be no change of behavior otherwise.

Given the number of changes, I'll extend the testing period before production release by another week, to March 27.

Daniel LaLiberte

Mar 20, 2023, 12:44:16 PM3/20/23
to Google Visualization API
For some reason I am not yet aware of, this group was blocked for the past week, but at this time it appears to be open again.  If you attempt to post but it was rejected, please try again.

Daniel LaLiberte

Apr 3, 2023, 1:06:54 PM4/3/23
to Google Visualization API
The 'current' version is now '52'.  Due to caching, it may take a couple hours before you see the change.  For most people, there should be no visible change.  

Daniel LaLiberte

Apr 4, 2023, 2:00:24 PM4/4/23
to Google Visualization API
There are two known regression bugs in v52.  

1. CategoryFilter css problem 2. fontName option used (via webfonts.js) with material charts.

So I rolled back the rollout, so 'current' is (or soon will be) '51' again.  It would be great if more people could keep testing the 'upcoming' version before I rollout another release.

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