Hi everyone,
I'm using Google Charts with data from mySQL and it provides the results the first time. The php page that has the chart and table results has a dropdown option where the data can be changed. The date updates the mySQL query using a jquery function. See below.The problem is that the Google Chart is not updating when a new date range is provided. Can someone tell me how the chart can be updated on date change. I would imagine it's one line of code to put into the jquery script.
The Query
$dbDemographicsQuery = "SELECT Race, COUNT(Race) AS totalRace, Ethnicity
FROM Greeter_Detail
WHERE $dateRange
JQ used to update dates:
$('#month, #year').on('change', function() {
var url = window.location.href;
url += '?month=' + $('#month').val();
url += '&year=' + $('#year').val();
$('#table-data').load(url + ' #table-data > *');