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Same color on different pie chart

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Davide Rubbiani

May 9, 2024, 12:00:05 PM5/9/24
to Google Visualization API
Hi all,
I am working on three different pie chart which show the market share of the same products in different time periods. I would like to maintain the same color for the same product in each pie chart. I am filling the "arraytodatatable" of each chart with the same products in the same order but some product has the value 0 for different time period.
When the charts are shown the color are assigned for the slices which are visible (> 0) and the color assignement is not the same for the same product.
Is there a way to consider the o valued product/time period also when the value is 0 to maintain the same color per product?
I would not like to static define colors due to the fact the number of products may vary in the future.
Thank you,
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