I also still get 403 "Daily Limit Exceeded" errors

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Brent Durbin

Nov 22, 2012, 10:48:01 AM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
My Project Number is: 799641606385
The Translate Dashboard says that the API is turned on with "No know issues"
In the Simple API Access, I have Any referrer allowed.

When I try the sample request:

I get:
 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceeded",
    "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"

I also tried using the sample python script.  This yields the same error code and error message.

In following other threads, this seems to have cropped up many times, with individuals fixed one-by-one.  But I still experience the same issue after several weeks.  Is there further information I can provide to help get this resolved?

many thanks,

João André Martins

Nov 22, 2012, 10:54:13 AM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Can you add the 'trace=token:ACwti_dTHqWLzEnynUG9w9koj34mCZxBGxcCLuz_Woel68T9Ef5Syw1bzsjWMLbO8Lv0l6UNQ5q0z7RDZd3xn3WHDtlgolGoqg' argument to your query and try again? Please, remove this argument after one or two requests.

Brent Durbin

Nov 22, 2012, 11:02:59 AM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

João André Martins

Nov 22, 2012, 11:44:12 AM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Brent, I got no traces. You must replace "MY-API-KEY" with the access key from your API Console at https://code.google.com/apis/console, if you are not doing it yet.

Brent Durbin

Nov 22, 2012, 12:12:08 PM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Yes, I replaced the the MY-API-KEY with the Simple API Access -> API key (39 characters).

Is the trace part of the URL correct? With the quotes around the trace=token...?
I just sent a couple more requests and still get the 403 "Daily Limit Exceeded" error.

I also tried adding to the python sample script, but it didn't like the trace parameter:
  print service.translations().list(
Yields a 400 "Bad Request", as opposed to the 403 with the trace line commented out.

Thanks, Brent

João André Martins

Nov 22, 2012, 12:14:34 PM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Remove the quotes in the trace argument and it should work.

Brent Durbin

Nov 22, 2012, 12:26:41 PM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

Brent Durbin

Nov 22, 2012, 12:38:22 PM11/22/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
In the Python script I was able to do:
  print service.translations().list(

And get the 403 "Daily Limit Exceeded" error again.  So maybe that trace ended up in your logs?


Brent Durbin

Dec 4, 2012, 6:26:49 AM12/4/12
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi Joao,

Were you able to find my trace?  Is this something I should try again?


Brent Durbin

Jan 9, 2013, 11:13:14 PM1/9/13
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
I am still getting the 403 "Daily Limit Exceeded" errors.  Can I send the trace again?  Or is there some other info I should provide?  I'd really like to get this working.


João André Martins

Jan 9, 2013, 11:29:57 PM1/9/13
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hey Brent, feel free to send one or two test requests with the 'trace=token:ACwti_eQf2CPQSYNQX8GH3fviVXqyZ7TpAjk4hBOse1WTTakgdotNX_qAmZSdAGTdlI3LoSMgeZsGJ5rgeeQEpb1VJP4cJ2YHg' argument. If they traces aren't getting to me, the requests are being trapped on the way.

Brent Durbin

Jan 9, 2013, 11:40:39 PM1/9/13
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

Brent Durbin

Jan 10, 2013, 3:37:30 AM1/10/13
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
I just tried the sample again, and it works.  Thanks a lot!

Mahesh Nicham

Feb 27, 2014, 12:40:38 AM2/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi Team,

I am getting Same error 

Daily Limit Exceeded [403]
Errors [
Message[Daily Limit Exceeded] Location[ - ] Reason[dailyLimitExceeded] Domain[usageLimits]

How to resolve this issue 

Please suggest . 

V. Wang

Feb 27, 2014, 12:20:18 PM2/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
I am also getting the same message when using the api. I tried regenerating a new key but am still getting the same message so I assume it is tied to the account, not the key. We have not used any of our quota.

What needs to be done to resolve this? The Project ID is 706009404854.


Translate API team

Feb 27, 2014, 3:20:19 PM2/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi there,

Please append the following trace token to your request so we can try to delve into what might be happening:


For example:

https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=[INSERT YOUR KEY]&source=en&target=es&q=Hello%20world&trace=token:ACwti_cFnI1UMBj6jXQUlCCZXgbrGvR1hpmbXwq9mSVF5tdB9T_YZh00T7tBXatZqi3SuoR_qJ_a9aF5XurrjvFuGtGRl3Uh3A

Be sure to replace the [INSERT YOUR KEY] field with your actual key when you run this.

Translate API team

Feb 27, 2014, 3:22:29 PM2/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mahesh,

Could you please provide your project number and then append the following trace token to your request so we can try to delve into what might be happening?


For example:

https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=[INSERT YOUR KEY]&source=en&target=es&q=Hello%20world&trace=token:ACwti_cpDvTMfvXCIs298n5Igw8DbQyXWdGTscBVTfUwolRV46kR4c3BXWtoSTZ8pFlcOh5pdqLjoV2JaB5OHXvDLPSJCyUiCQ

Charlie Chen

Mar 24, 2014, 3:56:41 PM3/24/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

We have the same problem and are desperately trying to solve it. Can anyone help?

We have verified many times our config informations and no problems here... 

Our project number: 374480340418

Error message:

"domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "accessNotConfigured",
    "message": "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.

Crossing my fingers for an answer.

Thomas Sanchez

Mar 27, 2014, 12:27:47 AM3/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
having the same problem

Project ID 600576860676

GET https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?q=nebula&key={YOUR_API_KEY}

X-JavaScript-User-Agent:  Google APIs Explorer


403 Forbidden
- Show headers -

Mateusz Piasecki

Mar 27, 2014, 8:33:21 PM3/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
I've got the same problem using Translate API in .NET "Daily Limit Exceeded [403]" after just 8 (yes eight) request (minimal number of char per req, just for testing purposes). Any ideas how fix this?
Project Number: 673258301080


May 6, 2014, 7:10:37 AM5/6/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

I have the same problem:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceeded",
    "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"

Project Number: 593888315053

How can i fix this issue?

Bill Holyoak

Jun 26, 2014, 3:40:07 PM6/26/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
I'm having this same exact issue.  We've been using the Translate API for a long while now, and it suddenly stopped working.  Payment is up to date, everything is enabled, but I can't get it to work.

Project #: 963060497422

Can I have this looked at?

Henrik Preifors

Aug 7, 2014, 5:26:34 AM8/7/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com

I'm having the same problem.

I'm using the API to detect language. 
This feature suddenly stopped working yesteday even though I can't see any more requests than usual.

First we got:
Code = 403
message = Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.
reason = accessNotConfigured
domain = usageLimits

I then changed the API key which resulted in this error message instead:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceeded",
    "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"

I have Billing enabled and I added an additional $40 to the account but still no result.
Please help as I really need this to work asap!

Project: 715644962784

I have tried adding the trace=token which resulted in:
 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
    "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
    "extendedHelp": "https://code.google.com/apis/console"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."

Andrey Cizov

Aug 11, 2014, 5:05:45 AM8/11/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
We're also having the same problem with the project ID 422427954944. 

Using the OAuth2 authentication with user-provided tokens. The tokens have also been renewed after the billing has been enabled.

Is there anything you could do about it?


Aug 27, 2014, 7:19:18 PM8/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Just as well add myself to the list of people having this issue. Project ID 857391596208.

I wonder if the OP, which was all the way back in 2012, ever got this problem solved.


Aug 27, 2014, 8:20:54 PM8/27/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Ok, I figured out what was going wrong, at least for me.

When testing, the Referer header is passed as `http://localhost/`, which, even with no referer check, apparently fails somewhere in the pipeline.

I'm using this extension to prevent sending referer:

Satyaranjan Mohapatra

Sep 20, 2014, 10:23:24 AM9/20/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi There

I am facing the same issue i.e i am gett the following output
    error =     {
        code = 403;
        errors =         (
                domain = usageLimits;
                message = "Daily Limit Exceeded";
                reason = dailyLimitExceeded;
        message = "Daily Limit Exceeded";

My app details are,-
Project ID: ultra-thought-709
Project Number: 627522544564
API key generated for iOS,-
IOS APPLICATIONS  Any application allowed 
ACTIVATION DATE Sep 20, 2014 6:56 AM
ACTIVATED BY imsaty...@gmail.com (you)

I am quite troubled with it.
Pls help me out.


Siva Srinivasan

Sep 29, 2014, 10:30:56 AM9/29/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi Translate API team,
I am also facing the same issue. Request your help ASAP to resolve this issue.
Please find the below details:
Project ID: intense-cortex-716 Project Number: 556917254905
Let me know if you need any other details.

Reggiani Varese

Oct 20, 2014, 8:05:39 AM10/20/14
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hello all,
Here too same problem

Project Number: 28154765961


https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/detect?&key=[My API Key]&q=this%2520is%2520a%2520job%2520summary


 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "dailyLimitExceeded",
    "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"

well below quota.

Thanks for support


deepak dhamija

Jun 9, 2015, 6:22:58 AM6/9/15
to google-tra...@googlegroups.com
Hi, I don't see any solution of this issue.. Today I've been trying to test this for last few hours now, but it still shoes the same issue.
I checked on Stack Overflow, it says I have to pay for trying to translate

Let me know why this response is always there..


Dec 28, 2015, 11:01:04 PM12/28/15
to Google Translate API Developer Forum
i get a  same 403 error.My project id is :soy-extension-117302,and have requested 2 times with arg trace ,thanks


Dec 29, 2015, 7:42:00 PM12/29/15
to Google Translate API Developer Forum
@张旭辉 ,

Have you checked whether any of the numerous threads which cover this topic have useful advice to you? Reviving old threads where numerous users are reporting issues based on a single error response, without any more detail about their system, is usually not a very good way to get quality help.


Mar 7, 2016, 7:52:49 PM3/7/16
to Google Translate API Developer Forum
Hi Translate API team 
I also just tried the translate API and it gives the same error - project ID: 45904322406 - see below
When I go to the API quotas, it says that my limit is 0 characters/day when I try to edit that it says I can put a number between 0 and 1 but anything else than 0 gives me a error (like 0.5 gives me put a whole number and 50 gives me put a number below 0...). 


Mar 8, 2016, 9:31:40 AM3/8/16
to Google Translate API Developer Forum
same issue here project-id: mactehran-1244


Mar 16, 2016, 6:08:25 AM3/16/16
to Google Translate API Developer Forum
Hi Translate API team,
I am also facing the same issue. Request your help ASAP to resolve this issue.
Please find the below details:

Project ID : fair-torus-118913
Project number : 450234729271
Let me know if you need any other details.

Nicoara Talpes

Jul 17, 2017, 11:02:27 AM7/17/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi Translate API team,
I have the same issue. 

I started a Google Cloud API Trial and I am using the C# library to access the API.

The error that I get is:
Daily Limit Exceeded [403]
Errors [
Message[Daily Limit Exceeded] Location[ - ] Reason[dailyLimitExceeded] Domain[usageLimits]

Request your help ASAP to resolve this issue.

My Project ID : languageapp-173813

Let me know if you need any other details.
Thank you,

Care Beauty

Aug 17, 2017, 8:59:58 AM8/17/17
to Google Cloud Translation API

We also have the same Daily Limit Exceeded error when using the translate API. After waiting for the daily limit reset it's working but for sure it will come back.

I have the billing setup correctly, authentication is correct as well. In the quota section of the Translation API everything is empty as if there were no requests at all. We are using the Cloud Translation API Client Libraries to make the requests.

Project ID: nimble-climber-176811

Thank you,
Care to Beauty

Linzhe Nie

Aug 29, 2017, 9:10:51 AM8/29/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi, I have the same issue, 403 error, Daily Limit Exceeded.

However, I am in nowhere near the quota limit

Project ID: beaming-droplet-178119
Project number:492825176263

I spent couple of hours reading amost every documentation about setting up the translation API. None of them helps. Came here hopefully for some good advice

(I would say there is a lot to do for improving the API setting up service)

Joel Sigling

Oct 9, 2017, 11:06:20 AM10/9/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hey Google Translate API team,

Dozens of people, including myself, are having trouble with getting the Translate API to work. How come, no one is responding with a relevant answer? This thread has been running since 2012, and there is one one answer from you, and it does not provide a solution. 

Please help us, and provide detailed and working instructions to fix this problem!


Wenyu Zhang

Dec 28, 2017, 9:26:07 AM12/28/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Same issue here. Dec 27th 2017.


Dec 30, 2017, 12:05:24 PM12/30/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi, I have the same issue, 403 error, Daily Limit Exceeded.

However, I am in nowhere near the quota limit

Project ID: probable-tape-190307

Johnson Liu

Dec 31, 2017, 12:04:53 PM12/31/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Me too 

Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Jan 1, 2018, 10:40:59 AM1/1/18
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi all, this is a currently known issue as reported on this issue tracker. Please feel free to participate on the discussion and star the thread so proper weight and attention be given to it. 

יוכבד אביטן - כהן

Jul 2, 2018, 8:49:35 AM7/2/18
to Google Cloud Translation API
I have the same problem,
how can I resolve it?
thank you!

Jinjun (Cloud Platform Support)

Jul 4, 2018, 12:49:12 PM7/4/18
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi All, here is the new issue tracker for you to follow if you have the same issue.
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