RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Quota exceeded but couldn't have possibly hit the quota

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Erik Chan

Apr 12, 2020, 1:06:08 PM4/12/20
to Google Cloud Translation API
{"error"=>{"code"=>429, "message"=>"Check Error: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Quota exceeded for quota group 'billable_default' and limit 'General model characters per user per 100 seconds' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:689493101183'.", "status"=>"RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED"}}

My quota for general model characters per user per 100 seconds is 10,000,000 (confirmed this with my project number), I don't think I am hitting the quota as my text is ~220,000. 

What could the issue possibly be?

Jinjun (Cloud Platform Support)

Apr 13, 2020, 3:05:36 PM4/13/20
to Google Cloud Translation API

Google Groups are for general discussion. For individual issue troubleshooting, please open a support ticket or an issue on Public Issue Tracker providing your project ID for our investigation.

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