Increase the 5000 characters limit

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Feb 21, 2017, 9:02:09 AM2/21/17
to Google Cloud Translation API

I know that the maximum size of each text to be translated is 5000 characters but I would like to know if there is a possibity to increase this number? 

Any related solutions are welcome. 


Jordan (Cloud Platform Support)

Feb 21, 2017, 3:39:09 PM2/21/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
As per the documentation:

"You are able to increase your daily quota up to a maximum of '50,000,000' characters per day by editing the 'Characters per day' quota in the Google Cloud Platform Dashboard. To request any other increases for these quotas, fill out a Google Cloud Translation API Quota Increase Request form."


Feb 22, 2017, 4:46:13 AM2/22/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi Jordan,

Thanks for your answer.

However, the daily quota of '50,000,000' characters per day' is not what  I meant. My question was about how to increase the quota of "5,000 characters per request / API call". 

If no solution exists to increase this amount, does anyone have a workaround to deal with long text ?


Jordan (Cloud Platform Support)

Feb 22, 2017, 9:51:06 AM2/22/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Thank you for clarifying that exact quota you are looking to increase. 

In the case that you want to increase the rate at which you make API requests, you can fill out the Google Cloud Translation API Quota Increase Request form as previously noted, and check the 'Short term limit (characters/100seconds/user)' quota box at the bottom

Once you have filled out the form explaining what quota you wish to increase, your request will be routed to the Translation team where they will then be able to review and process your request.   


Mar 21, 2017, 9:10:23 AM3/21/17
to Google Cloud Translation API
Michael, have you considered segmenting the text by line using your preferred language? Python has plenty of options available for this.

I can't think of a reason why you would need to send 5,000 characters per request. Instead of say 10 x 500 characters.

Correct me if I'm missing something.

Jan 27, 2018, 2:00:11 PM1/27/18
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi Michael,

I just had the same issue. 5000 characters would slow me and the translation would take 2-3 hours... So I just opened my blog, copied the text there, saved, put the link to translator, copied all translated text, deleted the text from the blog - all like in 5 minutes.

Hope that helps!


Right Vinson

May 28, 2019, 2:26:17 PM5/28/19
to Google Cloud Translation API
ThanK You So Much Roman !


Dec 2, 2019, 8:29:43 AM12/2/19
to Google Cloud Translation API

This could be a good option if I just have a few files to deal with.  Thanks.

Could you clarify what you mean by:
-So I just opened my blog, copied the text there, saved  <-- I am not a blogger so I just can't picture what that means.  Can you suggest a inexpensive, easy to use, blogging app/website?
-put the link to translator  <-- I am not sure where you are putting the link or how that causes the text you copied to be translated.  Perhaps once I learn a blogging app this will make sense.

I guess if I knew the blogging website and how it works I'd understand how to copy from a blog; or maybe this is just a matter of highlighting the text and pressing ctrl+c?

Thanks in advance.


Virendra Singh

Mar 2, 2020, 8:15:02 AM3/2/20
to Google Cloud Translation API
Hi Michael,

I just had the same problem. 5000 characters will slow me down, the translation will take 2-3 hours ... so I just opened my blog, copied the text there, saved it, put the link in the translator, copied all the translated ones Text removed from blog-all techorazor for example within 5 minutes

Hope that helps!

Thank you

Yue Shi

Mar 6, 2020, 12:28:26 PM3/6/20
to Google Cloud Translation API
If want to translate larger contents, you can try batch translation, which supports translating multiple html/txt/tsv files with a single request.

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