PDF - e book for marketing available for you here

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Jun 22, 2007, 9:40:13 AM6/22/07
to Google the Diamond Elite and world wide web
Hey Guys
If you missed Friday 22nd meeting we distributed the Diamond Elite -
Why be involved e book outlining the business action plan for you to
present to your leads. It is available for download on this url

Also here is little script for your sales process or marketing efforts
kindly contributed by Terrence Tutaj for your use. So promote and
reach your KPI's. If your not certain what that is, be at our team

"I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300
games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot...and
missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that
is why I succeed."

Michael Jordan

Do you have a solid group of proven professionals behind you who make
sure you know everything that is going on - what's working and what's
no longer effective, what the next hot marketing tactic will be, what
to watch out for and what to be wary of. If you don't, this one change
to your business will take you to a whole new level of success and
more importantly, help you to continue earning that fantastic income
that you are now.

Yes, there are lots of free groups around, but are they knowledgeable
enough to really help and guide you? You have to ask yourself, why are
these groups free, when other high income earners are paying hundreds
and even thousands of dollars to be part of a mastermind group, purely
to invest in the future of their business - that is why they continue
to earn high incomes.
Without professional group guidance and support, you will be out of
pocket for much more than $30 a month in the end because of either
inadequate knowledge of current marketing tactics being used or being
inadvertently led down a blind alley by so-called marketing gurus who
look after themselves first. There is no such thing as 'free' - you
end up paying somewhere down the track, and that if you pay peanuts,
you get monkeys in the end too - where will that leave them then?

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