GSoC and Exam season

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Mar 13, 2021, 12:00:26 PM3/13/21
to Google Summer of Code Discuss

I'm interested in applying for the GSoC, but I have a bit of a timeline conflict:

The current semester ends on the 18th of June, and I have exams between 30/6 - 13/7, and from 29/7 - 4/8 if I have to retake them.

I have no problem with working extra on the weeks in-between and after the exams to make up for lost time, but I am wondering if this is acceptable. I might or might not be able to work during the exam weeks, and can't guarantee either at this point. The student guide mentions ~18 hours a week. 

Should I still try to apply or would that lost time disqualify me? I don't want to mislead any potential mentors or force this on them after being accepted.

Thanks for your help.

Praveen Velliengiri

Mar 14, 2021, 7:26:35 PM3/14/21
to Google Summer of Code Discuss
Hi Hadi,
Many students face this kind of issues due to the timeline conflict. 
But it is always possible to explain your situation to your mentor earlier, if possible include those days in the timeline section of the project proposal. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you are on the right track on your project,
All the best for your selection..

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