GSoC 2018 Final PDF Proposal and Proof of Enrollment must be submitted by March 27 16:00 UTC

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Google Summer of Code Announce

Mar 24, 2018, 11:05:13 PM3/24/18
to Google Summer of Code Announce

Hello Prospective GSoC 2018 students,

This is your final reminder to be sure you submit BOTH

(1) your Final PDF Proposal and

(2) your Proof of Enrollment

before March 27th at 16:00 UTC.  Failure to do so means that your proposal will not be be considered for GSoC 2018.

If you have only submitted a draft proposal be sure to submit your Final PDF proposal before the deadline as draft proposals will not be considered by mentors once the March 27 deadline occurs. If you do not submit the Final PDF proposal before the deadline your application will be ignored.

Do not wait until the last minute to submit your PDF proposal and your proof of enrollment - what if your computer dies or your internet goes down? If you miss the deadline you will not be considered for GSoC 2018 - no exceptions. We strongly encourage you to submit your proof of enrollment and Final PDF proposal at least 5 hours before the March 27 16:00 UTC deadline.

Be sure you understand what time March 27 16:00 UTC is in your local time zone.

It would benefit students who haven't read the Student Guide to at least look at the first 2 sections of the guide before submitting their Final PDF proposal- there is a lot of helpful information in those short chapters that will benefit you.

Good luck everyone!

Google Program Administrators
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