Google Summer of Code 2018

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Google Summer of Code Announce

Sep 25, 2017, 5:34:29 PM9/25/17
to Google Summer of Code Announce

Hello all,

We are pleased to announce Google Summer of Code 2018, the 14th consecutive year of the program.

We have announced the main dates (org apps open, etc.) on the program timeline. Additional dates will be added into the timeline later in 2017.

Students -- Be sure visit the program site February 12th when participating mentoring organizations are announced. At that point it is in your best interest to research the organizations that have projects ideas that intrigue you and reach out to them early, before the student application process even starts. Communication is one of the most important parts of the program.

Organizations -- If you would like to apply for the 2018 program please start thinking about the projects you would like students to work on and also reach out to your community members to ask if they would like to be mentors for the program.

We are looking forward to another exciting year of GSoC!

Last week we also announced the Google Code-in 2017 (GCI) contest for 13-17 year old students. GCI is open for past GSoC mentoring organizations to apply to be a part of this exciting contest from October 9th - October 24th. GCI opens for student participants on November 28th! You can read more about the contest on our blog.

For any questions about the programs please email us at


Google OSPO team

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