Eliminate Stack driver Label Limitations

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Chavya Khanna

May 20, 2022, 7:28:36 PM5/20/22
to Google Stackdriver Discussion Forum
Hello All,

Is there a way we can bypass the Limitation of 20k Characters at the time of metric creation?

Right now we have a use case where Payload information can have upto 50k Characters - and display it on Grafana Dashboard, is there a workaround to achieve this?

As after 20k Characters we get '...' 


Igor Peshansky

May 20, 2022, 7:36:22 PM5/20/22
to Chavya Khanna, Google Stackdriver Discussion Forum
Can you please clarify which part of the metric has the 20k limitation? The limits on various parts of the metric are documented at https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/quotas. In particular, the metric can have up to 30 labels, each of which can be up to 1k, making the total size of the metric point about 30k.

For larger data, you can send it to the logging API, though I'm not sure how you would hook it into Grafana. Log entries can be up to 256k in size, as per https://cloud.google.com/logging/quotas. For even larger data, it's recommended that you upload it to another storage medium (e.g., GCS) and log a pointer.

It would help us to see an example of what you're trying to do…

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Chavya Khanna

May 25, 2022, 10:40:40 PM5/25/22
to Google Stackdriver Discussion Forum
Hi Igor,

thanks for the response, The link i am referring to is of Log Based Metrics

Capture from the document
Log Based Metrics.png
on GKE, I am using Stackdriver - capturing this log information from Log Based metrics - that's where the size of the message get's reduced to 20k while replacing the rest of the message with "..."

Then on Grafana i am using Google Cloud Monitoring a.k.a Stackdriver Plugin to fetch data stored in individual metrics.

Let me know if that helped clarifying my ask?

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