So what happened to support for Skymap (neowise)

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George A

Jul 22, 2020, 1:48:00 PM7/22/20
to Google Sky Map
I've had two sony phones (android) since Skymap worked, it seems theres a lack of support for it now. I was out last night looking for neowise and eventually found its 'tail', it would have been really useful to have been able to confirm i was looking at ursula major to know that Neowise was below it but waited around until it was dark and just about made Neowise out. 

What bugs me is that Skypmap used to work faultlessly and now comes up and has come up on previous phones with a compass issue -yet my google maps works, which i presume would use the same compass featuer of the phone. I've tried the process in which to 'realign' the compass and havent gotten anywhere. Ive downloaded other such sky maps but theyre the same.. It would be odd that the compass is broken considering i seem to be able to use google maps, as previously stated.

Any idea on what i can do to get skymap working or what app is best for this sort of functionality now?



Jul 23, 2020, 5:13:25 AM7/23/20
How about you dont waste your time  or others worrying about petty chet that really doesnt matter change any part of your life of others ..and just
 apprrciate your alive and can observe the nigt sky in awe without worrying about what you may or may not be looking at..and in fact if it's that concerning  or important..get a life get a telescope  and fo figure it out for your self..# glad you have time to stress over such petty bull chet...good luck..figure life out yourself..

I  TaC

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Jul 23, 2020, 6:08:33 AM7/23/20
Whats the point in wasting your time with something so negative !
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John Taylor

Jul 23, 2020, 10:30:36 PM7/23/20
to Google Sky Map
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 1:48 PM George A <> wrote:
I've had two sony phones (android) since Skymap worked, it seems theres a lack of support for it now. I was out last night looking for neowise and eventually found its 'tail', it would have been really useful to have been able to confirm i was looking at ursula major to know that Neowise was below it but waited around until it was dark and just about made Neowise out. 

What bugs me is that Skypmap used to work faultlessly and now comes up and has come up on previous phones with a compass issue -yet my google maps works, which i presume would use the same compass featuer of the phone. I've tried the process in which to 'realign' the compass and havent gotten anywhere. Ive downloaded other such sky maps but theyre the same.. It would be odd that the compass is broken considering i seem to be able to use google maps, as previously stated.

Hi! One possibility is that your new phone doesn't have a gyroscope, which Sky Map expects these days - it makes for a much smoother experience.  If you open the diagnostics page in settings it'll give you a (mostly) live read out of the raw sensor figures that might give you a clue as to whether the sensors are there and working. If the gyro is missing it's not the end of the world. In sky map settings/sensor settings (advanced) there's an option to disable the use of any gyro.  That'll force it to fall back to the "old method" that Sky Map used to use based just on compass and accelerometer. It'll be much more jumpy without a gyro, but it should at least work.  Let me know if that doesn't help.  What phone do you have by the way?


Any idea on what i can do to get skymap working or what app is best for this sort of functionality now?


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Jul 24, 2020, 7:31:44 AM7/24/20
Ahah, thankyou very much John.. Thats weird, i always assumed the
gyroscope would be in all the modern phones, but clearly not. I've
disabled gyrascope and i seem to be getting some alignment now. Many
thanks for your input :).
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