I've had two sony phones (android) since Skymap worked, it seems theres a lack of support for it now. I was out last night looking for neowise and eventually found its 'tail', it would have been really useful to have been able to confirm i was looking at ursula major to know that Neowise was below it but waited around until it was dark and just about made Neowise out.
What bugs me is that Skypmap used to work faultlessly and now comes up and has come up on previous phones with a compass issue -yet my google maps works, which i presume would use the same compass featuer of the phone. I've tried the process in which to 'realign' the compass and havent gotten anywhere. Ive downloaded other such sky maps but theyre the same.. It would be odd that the compass is broken considering i seem to be able to use google maps, as previously stated.
Any idea on what i can do to get skymap working or what app is best for this sort of functionality now?