Going to ISTE or ALA? Please introduce yourself!

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Google Search Educators

Jun 21, 2011, 1:40:08 PM6/21/11
to Event Notification for Google Search Education Courses (K-12)
Hi Search Educators,

This message is a bit off our regular post, but we know that some of
you will be attending ISTE or NOLA/ALA in the next week--and we would
love to meet you!

Dan Russell and Kimberly Johnson will be at the Google booth at ISTE.
Please drop by and say hi--ask for them by name.

I (Tasha Bergson-Michelson) will be at ALA. I'll be doing the
conference-attendee thing, and have kept room in my schedule for
meeting people I usually only see online. E-mail me at t...@google.com
to set up a time. Or, if you see someone with long brown hair and a
Google t-shirt, come on over and introduce yourself.

Hope to see you around!
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