Send To and Subscription Ordering

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Alex Chaffee

Nov 21, 2011, 5:55:48 PM11/21/11
None of the userscripts/plugins I've seen have been able to properly
reproduce the original Reader Share feature. Instead they act like
"Send To" because it's hard technically to get all the stuff back into
the outside feeds, to wit:

* the original source (its real name and url)
* the original author vs. the person who shared it
* the full content of the original item

Note that even the new "G+ Share" button that shows up for people with
Plus accounts only goes one way. It's actually "Send To Plus", which
is fine, but it's no substitute for the old "Share" button.

So I've been working on getting sharing back in to the real Google
Reader via a Send To item.

Yes, that means that once this is in place, "Share" will do a Send To
and "Send To" will do a Share.

(And Shift-S will do the Google Plus share dialog, but Shift-T
Up-Arrow Return will do the new Send To Sharebro.)

I think there is still value in having subscriptions to your many
friends' many feeds, and once I get this Send To thing straightened
out, I imagine that can list each of those possible feeds
(and there are many) and allow you to subscribe to them inside Reader
in separate folders. This is all done without any plugins or
userscripts; just go to, sign in with google oauth, and
click a button.

For instance, in the Reader sidebar you'd see

> Subscriptions
  > Shares
    Alex Chaffee's Shared Items
    John Doe's Shared Items
    Marie Curie's Shared Items
  > Google Plus Posts
    Alex Chaffee's Google Plus Posts
    Marie Curie's Google Plus Posts
  > Lipsumarium
    Alex Chaffee's Shares
    John Doe's Shares
  > Twitter
    Alex Chaffee's Tweets
    Steve Conover's Tweets

Since John doesn't have a Google Plus account and Marie doesn't have a
Lipsumarium account, and Steve gave up on Reader but still set up a
twitter account just for newsy shares like he said he would called

Does that sound like a useful UI, diasporites? Do the names sound
right? Would your friends bother to use it or have they all scattered
in the past month?

I can make it happen with the click of a button (or two) inside, no plugins required.

(Of course, we still haven't figured out Comments. I fear those will
require a plugin.)

Alex Chaffee -

Emmanuel Pire

Nov 22, 2011, 2:44:26 AM11/22/11
Oh please ! no "Send To" ! It takes so long to share.
I think the only good UX is like it was: *1* click, or *1* keyboard shortcut.
no actions needed after that (or maybe optionally if you want)

Emmanuel Pire
Web development

Alex Chaffee

Nov 22, 2011, 10:00:45 AM11/22/11
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Emmanuel Pire <> wrote:
> Oh please ! no "Send To" ! It takes so long to share.
> I think the only good UX is like it was: *1* click, or *1* keyboard
> shortcut.
> no actions needed after that (or maybe optionally if you want)

I agree, but I think that maybe 10% of people will even bother to sign
up for -- which works just with a signin step, not a
scary "are you sure?" -- and less than 1% will go install a

We (you) can totally write a userscript with a button, and we can put
a "Step 2" instruction for it on And maybe I'm wrong and
everyone on will also install the userscript.

Either way, my main question is about how to split the subsciption ordering.

Tim Broder

Nov 22, 2011, 11:28:35 AM11/22/11
My only concern would be if there is cross posting between shares and google plus posts.  Having dupes in there would cause me to probably unsubscribe to one of them
(note I'm not sure how the dupes would actually happen unless the user did it on purpose)


Nov 25, 2011, 3:00:16 PM11/25/11
Alex, I would be happy to have an ability to subscribe to my many friends' various feeds.

1. However, once again, I'd like to be able to choose to which of those feeds to subscribe, and this is especially important for me that my previous experience with the "Subscribe" button was kinda strange. I described the details of that problem here:
It looks, however, like you missed that post, so I am still concerned that I cannot delete some of the subscriptions that I got from that experiment.

2. I am wondering again how the revised "Subscribe in Reader" button will interact with the results of the previous "Subscribe" button (which, I think, interacted with ridllr results - see the above link).

3. Alex>I've been working on getting sharing back in to the real Google Reader via a Send To item.
Is it the same thing that you have been thinking about after getting the good API news from Mihai (I mean,  "Send to" -> GReader's broadcast)? 
Is my understanding correct that this has not been released yet and that you will let us know once it is ready? I am asking, because four days ago you wrote: "I will now walk the dog, get some dinner, and then see if I can make a functional "Send To Sharebro" link magically appear in everyone's Reader." ( What kind of magic was it supposed to be?
FYI: I logged in at, then refreshed my GReader, and I don't see  "Send To Sharebro." (I have not used the new "Subscribe in Reader" button though.)

Sorry for stupid questions, but I am just a (pretty motivated :) confused unsophisticated user. Note that other similarly confused unsophisticated users (who are not as motivated) may simply get scared and run away, and you'll never know why :)

Alex Chaffee

Nov 25, 2011, 6:02:54 PM11/25/11
I am moving this thread to since these are all
bug/issue/feature reports for that app.

Except for this:

> Sorry for stupid questions, but I am just a (pretty motivated :) confused
> unsophisticated user. Note that other similarly
> confused unsophisticated users (who are not as motivated) may simply get
> scared and run away, and you'll never know why :)

Yes, is still in the experimental pre-alpha buggy stage,
which is why I'm trying to keep discussion of it out of the diaspora

And you are the perfect type of user, at least for this phase! You can
clearly express what's not working for you, and you're not scared off
by it not working.

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