Need help on Google Authenticaion usage in JAVA web portal

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GAuth Test

Apr 14, 2014, 1:18:36 AM4/14/14

I am new to GA(OAuth). I have few queries while using Google authentication on java web based portal.

1) How and where do I configure my webportal(e.g.
2) If I have 100 user base, in that case do i have to create each users google/gmail account?
    if yes then is there any provision that only above 100 user only can use above portal i.e.

3)Is there any way where i donot have to take overhead of storing client ID and client secret of above 100 users at my application level and still secure authentication can be achieved?

Kindly reply asap..Any help would be appreciated


Daniel Wang

Jan 2, 2015, 11:33:56 AM1/2/15
Let's have a little clarification first. Are you trying to access user data stored by a Google service, or your own service?

I am assuming the first case. Then,

1) You'll need a credential for a web server. On Google Developer Console, you can create such a credential for your application(webportal) and configure the oauth redirect url as yours.

2) It depends on whose data you want to access. If it's users', then yes (but they themselves have to register with Google, not you or your application). If it's your application's, then you don't have to create Google accounts for any of your users. Just create a service account for your application.

3) Client ID/secret is an ID of your application. You only have to create one pair, no matter how many users you are going to have.

If you want to authorize users for your own service, then you should probably look at options like Login with Google, but that's beyond the scope of this forum.

More instructions on doing oauth with Google:
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