On Jan 8, 9:29 pm, Shobha Rishiraj <
replysho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I do not use the following ( … libraries=adsense …), the
> AdSense ads stops appearing.
> <script src="
No adsense library.
> If I do not use both of the above scripts, map as well as AdSense ads stops
> appearing.
> I have modified the following test example to demonstrate all the possible
> options.
> Example:
Works for me with a single include (and my key):
-- Larry
> So, the AdSense ads stops appearing if I don’t use the adsense libraries
> and use the assigned v3 API key only.
> I will like to use the assigned API key without blocking the AdSense ads
> and without loading the API twice.
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Enoch Lau (Google Employee) <
enoch...@google.com> wrote:
> > You are loading it twice; you have both:
> > <script src="
> >
> > "></script>
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="
> > //
maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyA9Fp-zeZB-yQeiA8ARj1OlHCJxoI_0D PU&sensor=false<
> > "></script>
> > On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 1:30:33 PM UTC+11, shobha wrote:
> >> The test Example:
http://www.replyat.com/Maptest-V3.asp>display the map in two display modes.
> >> *In first mode* where it is showing the button on right top “ Set API
> >> key On “, the source code of the page shows that no API key is being used.
> >> Here the AdSense ads are visible.
> >> *In the second mode*, that appears after clicking the button “Set API
> >> key on “, the source code of the page is showing that the API key is being
> >> used only on one location ( Not Google Maps API multiple times on this
> >> page) and rest of the script is exactly identical to the first mode.
> >> Here there is no problem with the map display but the AdSense code is not
> >> responding.
> >> I have also tested the script in Chrome browser. There is no warning
> >> message and both options are demonstrating differently as already explained.
> >> The ASP script is being used only to get the user location and insert
> >> the following part of the script:
> >> <script type="text/javascript" src="//
> >> maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyA9Fp-**zeZB-yQeiA8ARj1OlHCJxoI_0DPU&**sensor=false<
> >> ______________________________**_
> >> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 4:12 AM, Enoch Lau (Google Employee) <
> >>
enoc...@google.com> wrote:
> >>> As Larry already noted, you're loading the Maps API twice. See
> >>>
> >>> javascript/tutorial#HelloWorld<
> >>> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 1:49:19 AM UTC+11, shobha wrote:
> >>>> How it will be possible for Google or the user to monitor the limit of
> >>>> free quotas without the use of key for API v3 ?
> >>>> In case the user is also interested to track usage limit by using the
> >>>> API v3 key and is also interested to display AdSense ads, why that should
> >>>> not work?
> >>>> It may be true that Version 3 will work without a key; but there is no
> >>>> guarantee that they will continue to do so; and using a key brings the
> >>>> benefits of statistics reporting.
> >>>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:22 PM,
geoco...@gmail.com <
> >>>>> On Dec 23 2012, 7:47 pm, Shobha Rishiraj <
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> > If the API key for version V3 is used, the AdSense ads stops
> >>>>> appearing.
> >>>>> > If the key is not used, it displays the map as well as the AdSense
> >>>>> ads.
> >>>>> > As per the rule, the map should not work without the API key.
> >>>>> The Google Maps API v3 does not require a key. It is only needed if
> >>>>> you exceed the free quotas on services and want to be able to pay for
> >>>>> additional quota or if you want to track your use of Google's
> >>>>> services.
> >>>>> > I will like to use the assigned API key without blocking the AdSense
> >>>>> ads.
> >>>>> > Can any body suggest the necessary corrections required?
> >>>>> > Test Example:
> >>>>> I get these messages in the javascript console in Chrome:
> >>>>> Warning: you have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this
> >>>>> page. This may cause unexpected errors. main.js:42
> >>>>> Uncaught Error: Invalid value for property <map>: [object Object]
> >>>>> %7Bmain,adsense%7D.js:1
> >>>>> Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function
> >>>>> Maybe if you address them the problem will go away.
> >>>>> -- Larry
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >>>>> Groups "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> >>>>> To post to this group, send email to google-map...@**
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> >>>>> For more options, visit this group athttp://
> >>>>> **/google-maps-js-api-v3?**hl=en<
> >>>>> .
> >>>> --
> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >>> Groups "Google Maps JavaScript API v3" group.
> >>> To view this discussion on the web visithttps://
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