Zoom level calculation without using the API

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Jaidev S

Feb 16, 2010, 5:58:49 AM2/16/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3

I am working on an enhancement to the map accessible at http://travellr.com/map

The idea is to be able to load the map on a country, and have the map
zoomed to appropriately fit the country. For all countries I have co-
ordinates and bounding boxes already.

The problem is that when using Map.fitBounds(), the zoom level
sometimes isn't quite right - for loading on countries I would like to
limit zoom within a min / max, and places like Russia and Canada
break out of that. After using Map.fitBounds(), I could then check the
zoom level once the zoom_changed event fires, and if required update
it, but that seems quite a clunky multi step process.

Ideally I would like to be able to calculate the zoom level prior to
instantiating the map. However the API v3 does not seem to provide a
way to do this.

I have read some solutions akin to:

// mnode = the map node
// bounds = a bounding box
function best_zoom(bounds, mnode) {
var width = mnode.offsetWidth;
var height = mnode.offsetHeight;

var dlat = Math.abs(bounds.maxY - bounds.minY);
var dlon = Math.abs(bounds.maxX - bounds.minX);

// Center latitude in radians
var clat = Math.PI*(bounds.minY + bounds.maxY)/360.;

var C = 0.0000107288;
var z0 = Math.ceil(Math.log(dlat/(C*height))/Math.LN2);
var z1 = Math.ceil(Math.log(dlon/(C*width*Math.cos(clat)))/

return (z1 > z0) ? z1 : z0;

However this does not seem to provide the correct zoom levels (they
increase as dlat or dlon increase, shouldn't they go down?) - Please
tell me if I am missing something here? Also, where does the constant
C come from?

Thanks for your help.

- Jai


Feb 18, 2010, 1:55:33 AM2/18/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
This is actually a nasty problem when the objects that you are trying
to fit are large. For V2 I used:

function zoomRecenter(map, bounds) {

GLatLngBounds.prototype.getCenterMap = function(m) {
var p = m.getCurrentMapType().getProjection();

var b = new GBounds;
b.extend(p.fromLatLngToPixel(this.getNorthEast(), m.getZoom()));
b.extend(p.fromLatLngToPixel(this.getSouthWest(), m.getZoom()));

return new GLatLng(p.fromPixelToLatLng(b.mid(),
m.getZoom()).lat(), this.getCenter().lng());

Note the complexity of finding the *pixel* middle of a GBounds.
However, since it isn't possible (currently) in V3 to get the
projection in use by the current basemap, you are somewhat hosed.

You can star the bug at
if you want.


On Feb 16, 12:58 am, Jaidev S <j...@travellr.com> wrote:
> Hi,

> I am working on an enhancement to the map accessible athttp://travellr.com/map

Jaidev S

Feb 24, 2010, 2:12:18 AM2/24/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
Okay, have worked this out.

C is a value based on your latitude, values I calculated were:

constant_at_0_degrees = 1.406245461070741
constant_at_20_degrees = 1.321415085624082
constant_at_40_degrees = 1.077179995861952
constant_at_60_degrees = 0.703119412486786
constant_at_80_degrees = 0.488332580888611

I found for most countries just using the 60 degree one worked well.

For working out the zoom level to display a bounding box (this is in
ruby but easily translated into JS):

width = width-of-map-element
height = height-of-map-element
bounds_t = top-of-bounding-box
bounds_b = bottom-of-bounding-box
bounds_l = left-of-bounding-box
boubds_r = right-of-bounding-box

dlat = bounds_t - bounds_b

if bounds_l < bounds_r
dlon = bounds_r - bounds_l
dlon = 360 - bounds_l + bounds_r

z0 = (Math.log(constant_at_60_degrees * height / dlat) /
z1 = (Math.log(constant_at_60_degrees * width / dlon) /

zoom = z1 ? ((z1 > z0) ? z0 : z1) : z0

Happy mapping :)

On Feb 16, 4:58 pm, Jaidev S <j...@travellr.com> wrote:
> Hi,

> I am working on an enhancement to the map accessible athttp://travellr.com/map

> The idea is to be able to load the map on a country, and have the map
> zoomed to appropriately fit the country. For all countries I have co-
> ordinates and bounding boxes already.
> The problem is that whenusingMap.fitBounds(), thezoomlevel
> sometimes isn't quite right - for loading on countries I would like to

> limit  zoomwithin a min / max, and places like Russia and Canada
> break out of that. AfterusingMap.fitBounds(), I could then check thezoomlevelonce the zoom_changed event fires, and if required update

> it, but that seems quite a clunky multi step process.

> Ideally I would like to be able to calculate thezoomlevelprior to
> instantiating the map. However theAPIv3 does not seem to provide a

> way to do this.
> I have read some solutions akin to:
> // mnode = the map node
> // bounds = a bounding box
> function best_zoom(bounds, mnode) {
>    var width = mnode.offsetWidth;
>    var height = mnode.offsetHeight;
>    var dlat = Math.abs(bounds.maxY - bounds.minY);
>    var dlon = Math.abs(bounds.maxX - bounds.minX);
>    // Center latitude in radians
>    var clat = Math.PI*(bounds.minY + bounds.maxY)/360.;
>    var C = 0.0000107288;
>    var z0 = Math.ceil(Math.log(dlat/(C*height))/Math.LN2);
>    var z1 = Math.ceil(Math.log(dlon/(C*width*Math.cos(clat)))/
> Math.LN2);
>    return (z1 > z0) ? z1 : z0;
> }

> However this does not seem to provide the correctzoomlevels (they

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