How do I embed a google map in my google form so users can select a location and autofill a lat/long box?

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Sir Loin of Beef

Feb 9, 2011, 6:28:49 PM2/9/11
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
I am trying to create a google form with a map that focuses on a
country (Japan in this case), which allows users to find a location in
Japan, click on it, and have a lattitude and longitude box on the form
automatically filled up.

I found this site:
which states "To do this, we create a map and then assign an event
listener for the map 'click' event that writes the values of the
clicked coordinate into the form input fields. The code that
accomplishes that is shown below: "

but it doesn't show how to add an event listener. Should I be adding
the listener to the form, or the map, and how do I add it?

In addition, I'm also trying to create a google map of points based on
the lattitudes and longitudes in a google spreadsheet, but the google
wizard doesn't seem to work anymore as the auth key seems too long. Is
there any updated wizard for this?

I'm totally new to this, so is anyone able to walk me through?

Chris Broadfoot

Feb 9, 2011, 6:34:35 PM2/9/11
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Sir Loin of Beef <> wrote:
but it doesn't show how to add an event listener. Should I be adding
the listener to the form, or the map, and how do I add it?

Read here:

As to your other question, I don't know what wizard you're talking about. Could you link me to it please?


Sir Loin of Beef

Feb 16, 2011, 7:36:49 AM2/16/11
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3

Sir Loin of Beef

Feb 16, 2011, 7:42:08 AM2/16/11
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
By the way can these event handlers be added to a google spreadsheets
form? I'm trying to keep everything hosted on google itself.

Shreerang Patwardhan

Feb 18, 2011, 6:56:43 AM2/18/11
You can check out examples here:

Hope these examples prove useful for some part of your query.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Sir Loin of Beef <> wrote:
By the way can these event handlers be added to a google spreadsheets
form? I'm trying to keep everything hosted on google itself.

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Shreerang Patwardhan.

Sir Loin of Beef

Feb 18, 2011, 11:35:37 AM2/18/11
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
Thank you, these examples are nicely done and very useful.

However, can they be used in google-hosted forms? Google sites seems
to strip out all <script> codes so that will cause a problem.
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