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Google Maps Platform support for Internet Explorer 11 will end in August 2022

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Chris Shull

Jul 21, 2021, 9:58:08 PM7/21/21
to Google Maps JS API v3 Notify

Hello Google Maps Platform Developers,

Google Maps Platform is working to improve the developer experience by establishing a series of bundled announcements of our product changes which will require code changes in your applications. The intent of this cadence is to reduce the number of messages you receive about required changes and give you more predictability for when to expect these messages.

What do I need to know?

In August 2022, we are fully decommissioning the Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) browser.

IE11 is the final version of Internet Explorer. As support for IE11 from Microsoft and the Web community is ending, the use of the Embed API and JavaScript API from IE11 will be degraded per the following schedule:

For Maps JavaScript API:

  • Beginning with Maps JavaScript API version 3.46 (release date August 2021)
    A dismissible warning message will be displayed to IE11 users at the top of maps, similar to this one: "You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API. Please consider changing your browser." 

  • Beginning with Maps JavaScript API version 3.48 (release date February 2022)
    Maps will no longer load in Internet Explorer browsers. 

  • After August 2022 (when Maps JavaScript API version 3.47 is retired)
    IE11 support is effectively discontinued across all available Maps JavaScript API versions and channels.

For Maps Embed API

  • Beginning August 2021, a dismissible warning message (same as above) will be displayed at the top of maps for IE11 users. 

  • After August 2022 (at the same time as the JavaScript API version 3.47 is retired)
    Maps Embed API will no longer be available in Internet Explorer browsers.

To enable you and your users to continue accessing Maps Embed API and Maps JavaScript API, please encourage your users to switch to a supported browser. You can also temporarily delay the degradation of the maps by specifying an available JavaScript API version that still supports IE11, i.e. version 3.47 or lower.

Owners of API projects which, as our records indicate, are using the deprecated properties/methods/APIs have been notified via email. Please ensure that you have a monitored email address registered as one of the Owners of your projects to ensure your team receives important notifications about billing and product changes.

As always, you can contact our Google Maps Platform Support Team with any questions. 

Thank you for choosing Google Maps Platform.


The Google Maps Platform Team

Joce Heuzé

Mar 29, 2022, 1:26:42 PM3/29/22
to Google Maps JS API v3 Notify
Dear Google Maps Platform Developers and Customers,

Please note the retirement date of version 3.47 of the Maps JavaScript API has been pushed back to November 2022.
In the previous message of this thread, please therefore read "After November 2022" instead of "After August 2022" in three instances.

As per the previous message, please contact our support team if you have questions.


The Google Maps Platform Team

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