Maps JavaScript API Version Update
On the week of Feb 21st, 2024 we will update available versions of the Maps JavaScript API. The versions will then be:
Weekly channel will serve 3.56
Quarterly channel will serve 3.55
Exact version numbers can be specified as v=3.56, v=3.55, v=3.54, or v=3.53
Version 3.52 will be decommissioned.
If you don't specify a version (or request a retired version), you will be served a default version, which depending on your key configuration will be either 3.55 or 3.56. But a developer specified version will always be honored and served when requested when it's an existing version.
In order to free up resources to deliver customer-requested features, Markers (legacy) in the Maps JavaScript API are deprecated as of v3.56, the version now releasing to the weekly channel.
Instead, use Advanced Markers. The minimum version of the Maps JavaScript API with Advanced Markers generally available and supported is v3.53.
For more information about Maps API versioning, see: report issues with any version of the API, see: