Maps JavaScript API Version Update

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Simon Zwarts

Nov 7, 2018, 11:23:41 PM11/7/18
to Google Maps JS API v3 Notify
We will be making the current weekly version (3.35) the new quarterly version on or shortly after Nov 13th, 2018. The versions will then be:
Weekly: 3.35
Quarterly: 3.34
Frozen: 3.33
3.32 will be deprecated and you will be served an existing version if you try to request it.

If you don't specify a version, you will be served a default version, which depending on your key configuration will be either 3.34 or 3.35. But a developer specified version will always be honored and served when requested when it's an existing version.
For more information about Maps API versioning, see:
To report issues with any version of the API, see:
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