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Stable Release Update: Versions prior to 2.250 deprecating on Sept 15th, 2010

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Daniels Lee™

Jul 18, 2010, 1:50:15 AM7/18/10
to Google Maps API,,
*** Important information regarding version 2.s below ***

Maps API version 2.s is scheduled for another update on Sept 15th, 2010.  The stable release version is currently set to version 2.193. After careful review of recent releases of the Maps API, we've selected version 2.250 as the next version of 2.s.  Like previous releases, all Maps API versions prior to 2.250 will be deprecated and no longer accessible after 2.s has been updated.  On and after Sept 15th, any site specifying a version earlier than 2.250 will automatically be pushed up to the new stable version.

If this scenario is applicable to you, we recommend taking the necessary steps now to ensure your maps application continues to function correctly after the deprecation date.  Start testing your application(s) against version v=2.250.  If you're not sure how to use a specific version, see this section on "API Updates":

As you test your application(s) against v=2.250, file bugs for potential regression issues you encounter in the Issue Tracker.  It's really important for us to be notified of potential issues in advance:


As always, let us know if you have any questions, comments, or feedback!

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