As i Know No Private Home allowed on Map But Google Automated Publish Frequently Instead of Down Review. My question is How is it Possible ?

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Harpreet Sidhu

Mar 27, 2013, 12:50:15 PM3/27/13
Some Map Makers Put their House Under Villa or Building Category On Review I denied them They Shouted in Comments or Denied my Edits Instead Google Automated Publish frequently have anyone give me advice


Mar 27, 2013, 12:56:16 PM3/27/13
You are doing the correct thing.  Point them to the guidelines, and if necessary tell them to come to the forum to discuss it and we will assist you by reinforcing the guidelines with them.

Mara Winslow

Mar 27, 2013, 3:19:46 PM3/27/13
to General Map Maker on behalf of Flash
An alternative that I've used in South Carolina with some success when I review, is to remind the mapper that this is an international map.  I ask the mapper if they really want a foreigner to turn up in the middle of the night asking to use their bathroom in a language that the homeowner may not speak.

They often revert.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Flash via General Map Maker <> wrote:
You are doing the correct thing.  Point them to the guidelines, and if necessary tell them to come to the forum to discuss it and we will assist you by reinforcing the guidelines with them.

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Geoffrey Perez

Mar 28, 2013, 4:12:08 AM3/28/13
to General Map Maker on behalf of Mara Winslow
Hahaha, I can see it now:

"¿Baño? ¿Baño? ¿BAÑO?"

"What in tarnation? Is that... a GPS smartphone? Oh no, not again! Get off my lawn!"
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