@Rohit - I'm confused, what you've said doesn't seem to match either the guidelines nor guidance from GRs. You seem to be using Official as a language type tag, but the guidelines clearly define it as a name type tag. The only language tag in the guidelines is the Local tag, and we have been using the presence or lack of it to indicate if the language is the official one in the region. Official, according to the guidelines, indicates whether a name is the official one the government recognizes or not; but then you can have another name in the same language that is not official.
If Official is used as a language type, then it would have to go on every single Ukrainian name, ie. if the feature had three Ukrainian names then it would have 3 Official tags. But the guidelines are also clear that only one name per language can be Official.
Additionally, you are stating that if Russian is a secondary language, it can get the Local tag; but everything in the guidelines say that only the main language gets the Local tag. It is Local that then can be repeated for every name in the same language, in fact according the guidelines that is required.